Ellis, Jules Barron, Henry Guze, and Milton V. Kline organized the American Academy of Psychotherapists (AAP) in 1955. They formed the Academy to bring various professionals in psychotherapy together to share research and ideas, and facilitate high standards of training for the benefit of the public.
The Academy arranged conferences and symposia on a variety of topics. In addition, it sponsored research projects and assisted in the publishing of research papers and books on psychotherapy.
Below are documents outlining the aims, membership requirements, report of the first annual conference, and the first newsletter of the Academy. I have also included correspondence between Ellis and Carl Rogers.
AAP–Aims, 1955, page 1
AAP, Aims, 1955, page 2
AAP, Aims, 1955, page 3
AAP, Nomination and Election Ballot, 1955
AAP, Membership requirements for psychiatrists, 1955
AAP, Membership requirements for psychologists, 1955
AAP, Membership requirements for social workers, 1955
Carl Rogers to Ellis, 1955 July 27
AAP, Rogers to Ellis, 1955 August 18
Ellis to Rogers, 1955 August 20
AAP, First Annual Conference, 1956 October 20, page 1
AAP, First Annual Conference, 1956 October 20, page 2-3
AAP, Newsletter, volume 1, number 1, 1956 June, page 2
AAP, Newsletter, volume 1, number 1, 1956 June, page 1
AAP, Newsletter, volume 1, number 1, page 4
AAP, Newsletter, volume 1, number 1, 1956 June, page 3
AAP, Report of the first annual conference, undated, page 1
AAP, Report of the first annual conference, undated, page 2