Burlington Magazine Publications Ltd. has created an Online Index which includes the entire content of The Burlington Magazine dating from March 1903 to December 1987, with additional coverage to 2002 in progress. The Burlington Magazine has been a major source of scholarly art historical research since its inception, and has been indexed to a greater or lesser extent by commercial and academic indexing services including the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (1903-2011), Art Retrospective and Art Full Text (1929-2011), Bibliography of the History of Art/International Bibliography of Art (1972-2006), ArtBibliographies Modern (1973-2011), and others.
The Burlington Magazine Online Index is free to use, subject to free registration (a Columbia email account and a password), and allows access to JSTOR’s scanned, full-text articles and illustrations of the magazine (currently 1948-2005 for JSTOR coverage). Searches can be conducted by content and by illustrations. Print copies of The Burlington Magazine are accessible on open shelves in Avery Library (N1 B925).
–by Barbara Sykes-Austin, Avery Indexer/Reference Librarian