Art in Life Exhibition: Art Properties & the MA in Art History Program

Currently on view in Avery Library’s Wallach Study Center for Art & Architecture is an exhibition entitled Art in Life: Engravings by Robert Nanteuil (c. 1623-1678) from the Frederick Paul Keppel Collection at Columbia University. This exhibition is the result of a new curricular collaboration between Art Properties and the Department of Art History and […]

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Dealer’s Choice: The Samuel Kootz Gallery 1945-1966

Art Properties has loaned a painting to the exhibition Dealer’s Choice: The Samuel Kootz Gallery 1945-1966, now open at the Fralin Museum of Art, University of Virginia in Charlottesville. This exhibition focuses on gallery owner Samuel Kootz (1898-1982), who was instrumental in showcasing some of the biggest names in mid-century European and American modernism, including the […]

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Avery Art Properties at Florine Stettheimer: Painting Poetry

Columbia University is the major lender to the current exhibition Florine Stettheimer: Painting Poetry, which is now open at The Jewish Museum in New York City (May 5-September 24, 2017), and then travels to the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, Canada (October 21, 2017-January 28, 2018). Columbia is the largest repository for the art […]

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Avery Library Remembers Christopher Gray (1950-2016)

Christopher Gray was a major figure in the rising swell of interest in New York City architectural history that began in the aftermath of the demolition of Pennsylvania Station. With a degree in Art History from Columbia in 1975, Chris founded the Office of Metropolitan History that same year to provide research services to historic […]

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Avery Art Properties loans portrait of Da Ponte to NYHS exhibition

Art Properties has loaned a painting to the exhibition The First Jewish Americans: Freedom and Culture in the New World, which is now open at The New-York Historical Society. This exhibition focuses on the historical and cultural lives of Jewish immigrants, forced from their ancestral lands in Europe, South America, and the Caribbean, to newfound […]

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Avery Art Properties in Battle of Brooklyn Exhibition

Art Properties has loaned a painting to the exhibition The Battle of Brooklyn which is now open at The New-York Historical Society. This exhibition commemorates the decisive first battle that took place between the rebel forces and the British following the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Although the American forces suffered a […]

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Conservation Partnership: Art Properties and IFA Conservation Center

In Fall 2013, Art Properties began a program with the NYU Institute of Fine Arts Conservation Center to loan objects from Columbia’s art collection to the IFA CC so that students could benefit from object-centered learning. The IFA CC offers graduate degrees to students interested in the technical study and preservation of art and cultural […]

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