Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library and MoMA are pleased to announce the opening of a co-presented exhibition, Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive, June 12 – October 1, 2017 at the Museum of Modern Art. Drawing on the expansive Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archive, jointly acquired by Avery and MoMA in 2012, […]
Category: Avery Classics Collection
WET PAINT!! The North American paint & varnish industry, as it expanded, left us with an amazing assortment of colorful vintage objects—cans, sample sets, store displays and advertising signs. Avery Library in collaboration with private lenders, is pleased to present WET PAINT!! The exhibit displays items dating from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century and […]
Avery Classics New Acquisition
Avery Classics recently acquired a complete set of the Dutch magazine Utopia: Tweemaandelijks tijdschrift voor wetenscahpp amusement (Utopia: Bi-monthly for scientific entertainment). Utopia was published between 1975 and 1978 in Delft. Obviously influenced by Archigram‘s style, each issue features a unique format with illustrations drawing on contemporary trends such as Pop Art. The magazine explores […]
Color Harmony in the Home: American Paint Publications from 1870-1950
Color Harmony in the Home: American Paint Publications from 1870-1950 Guest curator: Judy Jacob January 17 – April 25, 2017 Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Avery Classics Reading Room, Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library Paint is practical. Paint is beautiful. Paint hides flaws. Paint reflects taste and status. The brochures and samples presented in this exhibition […]
Avery Welcomes Chloé Demonet
Chloé Demonet joined Avery Classics as an intern this fall. She is transcribing the unpublished manuscript of Sebastiano Serlio’s sixth book on domestic architecture as part of Avery Library’s Digital Serlio Project. The Digital Serlio Project brings together international scholars to investigate the manuscript that Serlio prepared between 1541 and 1551. Ms. Demonet is uniquely […]
Rio viewbook
As the world’s attention turns to Rio with the beginning of the summer Olympics, Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library offers a glimpse into the city’s past. A souvenir album of Rio de Janeiro from the 1920s is included in the Viewbook exhibition, on display through October 31st in the Avery Classics Reading Room. A […]
A.J. Downing & His Legacy
Last fall, Avery Library’s Classics Reading Room featured an exhibition exploring the legacy of A.J. Downing. Those of you who missed it can now view the digital version of the exhibition! A.J. Downing & His Legacy Andrew Jackson Downing is known as the “father” of the American architectural pattern book. Downing saw both how books […]
Viewbooks: Window into America
Viewbooks: Window into America Curators: Teresa Harris and Lena Newman June 20, 2016-December 23, 2016 Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm Avery Classics Reading Room, Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library Avery Library opens its summer exhibition with a delightful display of selections from its American Viewbooks collection. The exhibit celebrates the completion of our CLIR Hidden […]
City of the Soul: Rome and the Romantics exhibition
City of the Soul: Rome and the Romantics June 17-September 11, 2016 The Morgan Library, New York Avery Classics materials feature prominently in a new exhibition at the Morgan Library & Museum entitled City of the Soul: Rome and the Romantics. As the curators of the show point out, “Rome exists not only as an intensely physical […]
Cutaway: Drawing the Architectural Section
Cutaway: Drawing the Architectural Section Curator: Teresa Harris March 14, 2016 – June 17, 2016 Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm By the early sixteenth century, architects had established conventions for depicting the most important aspects of buildings, namely their elevations, plans, and sections. These conventions have continued to the present day, although computer-aided drafting and […]