Please join us to view highlights of Avery 2013-2014 acquisitions! Monday May 19, 2014 Display: 3:00 – 8:00 pm Reception: 5:30 – 8:00 pm Sponsored by Avery Friends & the Friends of the Columbia University Libraries To RSVP, please call 212.854.6199 or email: Image Credit: François Lecoy. Méthode simple et facile pour lever les plans, suivie d’un traité dunivellement et d’un abrégé des règles du lavis … (Paris: Duponcet, […]
SAH Exhibition Catalogue Award for Henri Labrouste
This month, the Society of Architectural Historians announced its annual awards for publications in architectural history. The Philip Johnson Exhibition Catalogue Award went to Henri Labrouste: Structure Brought to Light, edited by Corinne Bélier, Barry Bergdoll, and Marc Le Coeur. This catalogue accompanied an exhibition that opened at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine in […]
Shigeru Ban awarded Pritzker Prize
On Monday March 24, 2014, the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban was named the winner of this year’s Pritzker Architecture Prize, For twenty years Ban has traveled to sites of natural and man-made disasters around the world, to work with local citizens, volunteers and students, to design and construct simple, dignified, low-cost, recyclable shelters and community […]
Palaces for the People at MCNY
March 26-Sept. 7, 2014 Sixteen drawings and numerous artifacts and photographs from the Guastavino archives in the Drawings & Archives are on display at the Museum of the City of New York. Titled Palaces for the People: Guastavino and the Art of Structural Tile, the exhibition was curated by a team of scholars under the […]
Cabinets of Curiosities
When Europeans became intrigued by the exotic in the sixteenth century, they began building systematic, even obsessive compulsive collections of natural, unusual, or rare artefacts gathered from all over the world. Known as Wunderkammer or Cabinets of Curiosities, these collections became increasingly popular over the next several centuries, yielding insights into the attitudes of collectors […]
Avery in PBS series “The Rise and Fall of Penn Station”
Avery Library's photographs of McKim, Mead, and White's former Pennsylvania Station building are featured in the latest installment of the American Experience, a PBS series. This installment, entitled "The Rise and Fall of Penn Station", includes photographs documenting the construction of the station that are now in the Avery Classics collection. These photographs are now […]
Katzenbach & Warren, Inc wallcovering trade catalog
Although it is only February, Avery Classics is already looking ahead to the spring New Acquisitions show. This year's event will include a recently acquired trade catalog from the home design firm of Katzenbach & Warren, Inc. Issued in 1949, Mural Scrolls presents a series of wall coverings designed by Calder, Matisse, Matta, and Miro […]
New Avery blog from Art Properties: Public Outdoor Sculpture at Columbia
Art Properties has launched a blog dedicated to the public outdoor sculpture at Columbia University, Maintained by Roberto C. Ferrari, Curator of Art Properties, the blog will provide historical and current information about these works of art found at the schools and campuses of Columbia. An interactive map to locate the public outdoor sculptures […]
Frank Lloyd Wright and the City: Density vs. Dispersal
Frank Lloyd Wright and the City: Density vs. Dispersal February 1–June 1, 2014 MoMA Architecture and Design Galleries, third floor Frank Lloyd Wright and the City: Density vs. Dispersal celebrates the recent joint acquisition of Frank Lloyd Wright’s extensive archive by MoMA and Columbia University’s Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library. Through an initial selection […]
Avery Art Properties in Anna Hyatt Huntington exhibition
Art Properties has loaned an important sculpture to the exhibition "Goddess, Heroine, Beast: Anna Hyatt Huntington's New York Sculpture, 1902-1936," which runs from January 22 to March 15 at the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery at Columbia University. Huntington (1876-1973) was one of New York City's most prominent sculptors. The subjects of her […]