Featured Research Resource: International Bibliography of Art (IBA)

If you are in search of scholarly publications that cover the global region and span the of subject Fine Arts and Architecture, ProQuest's International Bibliography of Art (IBA) is the resource for you. IBA covers European art from late antiquity to the present, American art from the colonial era to the present, and global art […]

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Roberto C. Ferrari speaks at Oxford conference

Roberto C. Ferrari, Curator of Art Properties, recently represented Columbia University Libraries at Oxford University, where he was a speaker at the conference Pre-Raphaelitism: Past, Present and Future, held at the Ashmolean Museum and St. John’s College on September 13 and 14, 2013.  The conference was a response to the exhibition Pre-Raphaelitism: Victorian Avant-Garde, which […]

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Avery Art Properties in “Breath of Heaven, Breath of Earth” exhibition

The Art Properties Department has loaned three significant works from the Sackler Collection to the exhibition "Breath of Heaven, Breath of Earth: Ancient Near Eastern Art from American Collections," which opened on August 31 at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Willamette University, in Salem, Oregon. The exhibition brings together 64 objects related to the […]

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Avery Honored By Sir John Soane’s Museum Foundation

The Sir John Soane’s Museum Foundation honored Avery and MoMA for their innovative and transformative co-acquisition and joint stewardship of The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Archives. Carole Ann Fabian, Director, Avery Library, Columbia University, and Barry Bergdoll, The Philip Johnson Chief Curator, Architecture & Design, MoMA, accepted the Honor on behalf of their respective organizations. “We are […]

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Roberto C. Ferrari appointed Curator of Art Properties

Roberto C. Ferrari, Ph.D., has joined Avery Library as its new Curator of Art Properties.  Roberto brings experience and knowledge as an art historian and librarian that will help reshape the department of Art Properties for the future.  His most recent librarian position was in the Image Library at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where […]

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