Happy Thanksgiving from Avery Library! Avery Library will be closing at 5pm on Wed. Nov. 21st and closed Thur. Nov. 22 and Fri. Nov. 23rd. Check out our Thanksgiving week schedule […]
Richard Anderson's new translation of Ludwig Hilberseimer's Groszstadt-architektur (1927) has recently been published by GSAPP Sourcebooks. Entitled Metropolis-architecture, the translation incorporates three images from an item in Avery Classics, Hilberseimer's article "Vorschlag zur City-Bebauung," published in Die Form (1930). […]
Unbuilt East River Subway
Subways under the East River are much on everyone's mind in these post-Hurricane Sandy days. Avery Classics owns a rare portfolio of plans for an unbuilt subway line that would have run from the southern tip of Manhattan to Brooklyn, published by the Manhattan Underground Railway Company, ca. 1891. The portfolio includes maps of the […]
Happy Belated Birthday to Stanford White
Stanford White (November 9, 1853 – June 25, 1906) was one of the most famous American architects of his era. He was a partner in the architectural firm of McKim, Mead & White. and designed numerous houses, public buildings, institutions, and religious buildings. His design principles embodied the American Classical Revival. Avery Library Drawing & […]
Celebrate: Avery Hall at 100!!!
Saturday November 10, 2012 November 10, 2012 marks the first day of Avery Hall’s second century. Designed by the legendary architecture firm McKim, Mead, and White, Avery Hall is home to the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) and the renowned Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library. Together, the School and the Library […]
Janet Parks Delivers Keynote at Construction History Society Meeting
Janet Parks, Avery's Curator of Drawings and Archives will deliver the keynote address at the 3rd biennial meeting of the Construction History Society of America, November 2-3, 2012. The meeting is being held in Boston concurrent with the “Palaces for the People: Guastavino and America’s Great Public Spaces” exhibit curated by John Ochsendorf and on […]
Avery Library Open Wed. 10/31!!
Avery Library Open Wed. 10/31 The Avery Library will be open tomorrow, Wed. October 31. All classes and events will take place tomorrow. For more information see the university’s website: www.columbia.edu […]
Avery Index New Journals
We are pleased to present the list of new journals being indexed in the Avery Index. The newly-revised complete journal list is on our webpage. You will note that we are adding core records for some journals available on the DOAJ per requests from our focus groups. We intend to continue to add additional DOAJ […]
Open Access Week: October 22-28 Open Access Week is a global event promoting the opportunity for academic communities to continue to share the results of their research and scholarship. It runs October 22-28, 2012. Columbia University Libraries and the Scholarly Communication Program are pleased to host three events promoting open access and its benefits this […]
Guastavino exhibition opens at the Boston Public Library
Seventeen drawings and numerous artifacts and photographs from the Guastavino archives in the Avery Library Drawings & Archives are on display in a new exhibition at the Boston Public Library. Titled Palaces for the People: Guastavino and America’s Great Public Spaces, the exhibition was curated by a team of scholars under the direction of Professor […]