About the Edgar A. Tafel Archive blog–NEW Avery blog

Avery Library Drawings & Archives Department has a new blog!!  Welcome to the "About the Edgar A. Tafel Archive" blog!! Tania Franco, the new archivist for the Edgar A. Tafel Archives, will document the processing of the archive until its eventual publication in an online finding aid. She also intends to highlight some fascinating findings […]

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A Growing Time

A Growing Time. It's a growing time It's the springtime of the year It's a growing time The sun is moving near It is yours and mine The days are ours to share Within our peaceful garden And this growing time so fair (Dan Folgelberg) That’s right. It’s springtime so let Avery Library inspire you […]

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GSAPP faculty receive awards at the 65th SAH Annual Conference

Avery Library congratulates Columbia University GSAPP professors for winning awards presented on April 19 at the SAH conference!! Professor Andrew Scott Dolkart received the Antoinette Forrester Downing Award for outstanding publication devoted to historical issues in the preservation field for his book: The Row House Reborn, Architecture and Neighborhoods in New York City, 1908-1929 The […]

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