The Why

Now that you know a little more about the MRL and WAB collections, as well as the Luce Foundation, I thought it would be useful to explain the reason behind needing this project in the first place. Most, if not all, archives and libraries have what we call "backlog." Our collections are continually growing: we […]

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Aided by the Henry Luce Foundation

The Henry Luce Foundation is generously supporting the Burke Library Archives processing grant. As quoted on the press release: "We are delighted that the Luce Foundation can play a part in The Burke Library's preservation of these important collections, so that they can be readily accessible to a wider readership," said Michael Gilligan, president of […]

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Hello and welcome to "The Hidden Archival Collections of the Burke Library!" This is a blog which will help educate and raise awareness for two important archival collection groups at the Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary (Columbia University Libraries): the Missionary Research Library Archives (MRL) and the William Adams Brown Ecumenical Library Archives (WAB). […]

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