Hybrid History Happy Hour

We’ve held several enlivening and enjoyable events in our Reading Room over the past year or two, since “coming back” to school following the closures necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s good to be back in person. But we have also experimented with new hybrid styles of events afforded by technology such as Zoom now […]

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“Holy Ground” Book Launch with Catherine Flowers

  We at the Burke Library were thrilled to collaborate with the Center for Earth Ethics in hosting a book launch on Jan. 28th in celebration of Catherine Coleman Flowers’s new book Holy Ground: on Activism, Environmental Justice, and Finding Hope.   A multidisciplinary scholar and MacArthur “Genius Grant” recipient, Flowers spoke with CEE founder […]

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Bookbinding and Letterpress Printing: Two Weeks at the Center for Book Arts

“Whenever I bind a book, I make sure everything I do is reversible,” bookbinding instructor Devon Eastland shared with our group of ten library school students at the Center for Book Arts (CBA) on W 27th St. We were mixing personal batches of wheat starch paste in preparation for another day in the bindery. Over […]

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Haptic Impressions in the Archives

  Day 1: I gingerly wriggle the lid from the first of a dozen record cartons in the Alison Cheek Papers; greeted by a slathering of manila and jewel toned folders that hug swatches of lined paper, printed printed paper, heavy stock paper. Handfuls of leatherbound materials peek from the depths of the cardboard box. […]

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Hull-House Maps and Papers: On moving a book from general to special collections

  By many measures, Hull-House Maps and papers is not a rare book. In 1895, Jane Addams and her colleagues at Chicago’s Hull-House published Hull-House Maps and Papers: a presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested district of Chicago, together with comments and essays on problems growing out of the social conditions. Their goal […]

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Scrolls, Folders, and Megaphones

    In 2016, two important events occurred: 1) Letha Dawson Scanzoni donated her personal collection of her own writings, research, and activist materials for the Archive of Women in Theological Scholarship and 2) a library staff member ordered a megaphone.   Fast forward to the first day of my Graduate Internship in Primary Sources, […]

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Paris Bibles

  The Burke Library’s resources include some wonderful examples of the first personal study Bible filled with innovations still in use today.  These precious volumes are not from the 19th-century, the Reformation, nor even the first days of the printing press, but are manuscripts from the medieval world, products of the end of the period […]

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The Eckley Sermons: a Manuscript Cataloging Mystery

Image of a handwritten sermon by Joseph Eckley, circa the late-1700s or early-1800s.

*NOTE: The Burke Library is currently closed and personnel are working from home due to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak (see Columbia’s COVID-19 guidance page for more information and consult the Your Libraries Online portal for increased access to e-resources during this time). We are sharing this post, written a few weeks ago, harkening back to […]

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Buying Cool Things for the Burke

For many of us, the start of a new year brings with it new things: new calendars, new resolutions, even new routines. In the Columbia University Libraries, it also brings about… a new budget season. January, which is half-way through our fiscal year, is a good opportunity to take stock of how we’ve spent our […]

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