This year’s Senior Thesis Forum, hosted by the Humanities & History and Global Studies Librarians, will be held in Butler Library Room 523 on April 6th, 3:00-4:30. This forum offers graduating Seniors the opportunity to share their thesis projects and their research process with students, faculty, and librarians. This year’s event features four students from the Department of History. Faculty teaching thesis seminars, research librarians and curators identify students who have used libraries and archives intensively their projects. A selected number of students are asked to share their experiences and research outcomes in this informal session.
The event is open to all faculty, students and Libraries staff and we hope you can join us.
Maya M. Barad
Developing Eugenic Consciousness:The Campaign for the Voluntary Sterilization of the Mentally Deficient in Interwar Britain
Stuart Fine
Forging German-American Identity: Paul Oskar Kristeller’s Reception of Post-War Germany, 1940-1985
Conor Goetz
The 1919 Washington, DC Race Riot: The Culmination of Federal Policies, a Press Campaign, and a Changing Population
Sarah Roth
The Miracle at Sokilinki Park?: Corporate Co-Sponsorship of the American Kitchen at the 1959 Moscow Exhibit.
Please join us in celebrating the accomplishments of these students!