Tabloids Added to British Periodicals Database

British periodicals (Collection  III)  has been recently added to our British Periodicals database:

British Periodicals provides access to the searchable full text of British periodicals from the late seventeenth to the early twentieth century. Subject areas covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the fine arts and the social sciences.

Britannia and EveBritish Periodicals Collection III includes these tabloids and illustrated newspapers:

  • Brittania and Eve (1929-1931, 1952), monthly
  • Bystander (1903-1949), weekly
  • The Graphic (1869-1932), weekly
  • The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News (1874-1970), later called Sport & Country in the 1950s and Farm & Country (1960-1971), weekly
  • The Illustrated War News (1939), weekly
  • The Sketch (1893-1929, 1953-56), weekly
  • The Sphere (1900-1919, 1964), weekly
  • The Tatler 1901-1967), weekly

If you have a questions about this database, or any other research question, please visit, call, email or text us.