The LGBT Magazine Archive provides full text, cover to cover access to a variety of publications ranging from the Advocate to Transgender Tapestry, and includes French, English, and Scottish publications. Other Columbia University Library databases supporting LGBTQ* research: Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History & Culture since 1940; Independent Voices LGBT Life with Full […]
Category: Databases
Featured Resource: NAACP Papers
The NAACP Papers database (ProQuest) was added to Columbia’s resources in Fall 2016. It consists of six modules reproducing a wide range of primary source materials from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). “Nearly two million pages of internal memos, legal briefings and direct action summaries—the most widely used collection in […]
Recently Added Resources
The following online resources have become newly available to Columbia University researchers since September 12, 2016. We hope that you may find something of interest here. Arcanum digitheca Archives unbound has been enhanced by the addition of the following modules: General George C. Marshall’s mission to China, 1945-1947 Political relations and conflict between republican China […]
Women’s Magazine Archive
The Women’s Magazine Archive provides full-text access to popular women’s interest magazines. Collection 1 has just been published and includes Better Homes and Gardens (1925-1978) , Good Housekeeping (1885-2005), Ladies Home Journal (1886-2005), Parents (1949-2005), Redbook (1903-2002), and the Canadian magazine Chatelaine (1928-2005). These publications chronicle women’s roles and family life with articles on […]
Exploring Columbia’s Journal Collections with Browzine
The researcher follows many paths in search of scholarly information — chasing down specific items recommended by colleagues using CLIO and the Catalog, using the same tools to follow the footnotes and delve into an author’s sources, searching in Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, or collections of online full text to follow the footnotes […]
Featured Resources: New Databases in LGBTQ Studies
The Library has added three new databases to support LGBTQ studies at Columbia. Archives of Human Sexuality: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940 includes digitized archives of the New York Mattachine Society, the Gay Activists Alliance, and ACT UP from the New York Public Library; newsletters, feminist newspapers, and subject files from the Lesbian Herstory Archives; […]
New Databases, March to September 2016
Please find below links to CLIO records for new databases related to the humanities and/or history acquired by Columbia University Libraries since our last newsletter was published (on March 1, 2016). For a fuller descriptive treatment of selected new databases, please see Featured Resources: New Databases in LGBTQ Studies. 20-seiki Media Jōhō Dētabēsu African Blue […]
New and Improved Databases: September 2015 to February 2016
New and Improved Databases The following databases have either been newly acquired or improved since the last “New and Improved Databases” column was published in Humanities & History Division Newsletter (in our fifth issue, September 2015). New African American Communities (Adam Matthew) “Focusing predominantly on Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, and towns and cities […]
Featured Resource: Drama Online

Drama Online is an exceptional collection of digital texts, images, audio, and video that together meet the full range of teaching needs for theatre studies. A product from Bloomsbury Publishing, the foundation of this resource is comprised of the core collection featuring 1200 titles from Bloomsbury’s Methuen Drama, Arden Shakespeare Series, and Faber and Faber. […]
New Database: Emily Dickinson’s Correspondences
Emily Dickinson’s Correspondences: A Born-Digital Textual Inquiry (EDC) is an XML-based archive of poems and letters from Emily’s correspondence with her sister-in-law and primary confidante, Susan Dickinson. Each text is presented with a digitized scan of the holograph manuscript. These images have zoom functionality as well as a special light-box feature that allows users to […]