Hoping to snag a Butler Library locker for the academic year? Enter the Butler Library locker lottery by this Friday, September 9th. All Columbia University students with a valid UNI may enter the lottery, except for those who already have study carrel space in Butler. Only one locker may be assigned to a person. Students […]
Getting Your Bearings
If you’re a graduate student in history or the humanities, you may wish to attend one of our "Getting Your Bearings" orientations, designed to help you begin using the powerful information tools at your disposal and to point you to some of the most important library services and personnel at Butler Library and elsewhere on […]
Welcome Students!
Columbia University Libraries (CUL) welcomes you! We offer a full range of resources and services to support all aspects of study. There are nine subject specialist libarians in Butler who are eager to help you. Here’s a quick look at what the Libraries have to offer: CLIO: Search the Library catalog to locate […]
HathiTrust: A Shared Digital Repository
Columbia is a member of the HathiTrust Digital Library, a vast repository of nearly 9 million volumes, 2.5 million of which are full-text searchable. Though international in scope, The HathiTrust collection is especially useful for magazines & journals published before 1924, US government documents, and multi-volume works. Login for the most complete search options, which […]
New Summer DHC Workshop Series: Shorts
Try Shorts, a new DHC Workshop series! These 20-minute lightning sessions are arranged thematically. Feel free to take one, two, or all three sessions during the hour. All sessions take place in Butler 306. Available to all active Columbia UNI holders. To register, see: http://ldpd.lamp.columbia.edu/workshops/#S Click on course name and then "Register for this Event" […]
Introducing the DHC Lecture Series: Talks by Columbia Researchers in the Humanities
On Wednesday, June 29, at 1:00 p.m. in room 522 of Butler Library, the Digital Humanities Center will be hosting the first in a series of talks by Columbia researchers illustrating the opportunities that the electronic format provides for creating and working with resources in the history and humanities fields. Our first speaker, Paul […]
CLIO New Arrivals
Looking for works on a specific topic, a list of French films, Korean books, or new Ebooks? See what’s new in the Columbia libraries with CLIO New Arrivals: You may search by any combination of the following: Keyword (all fields, author, title, or subject) Format (book, video, etc.) Location (library) Publication Date (this year, past […]
Welcome Summer Session Students!
Welcome to Butler Library. While you are here this summer take advantage of our free library workshops to help you get oriented to our collections and services. Not sure where to start? Try our course, Getting the Most Out of the Libraries this Summer. Click on the course title to see course details and to […]
Congratulations Class of 2011!
The Butler Librarians congratulate the Class of 2011! We wish you all success in your future endeavors. Remember, access to licensed electronic databases continues for a period of three months beyond the degree conferral date. Recent alumni will be able to enter the libraries for a period of thirty days after the date of graduation […]
The Butler Study Break Is Coming…
The libraries are here to help you stay focused and stress-free: RELAX: Tuesday 5/3 stop by room 203 in Butler Library for back rubs by Stressbusters 8pm-Midnight ENERGIZE: Wednesday 5/4 Starbucks Coffee & Bagels in Butler Cafe Lounge 10pm-Midnight BREATHE: Thursday 5/5 Yoga by Mind Over Matter on the lawn in front of John Jay 11am-Noon […]