I know we all like to feel a personal connection when we’re trying to solve a problem. However, this is a plea to everyone reporting problems to *please* send the problem report to cul-ner@columbia.edu. Do not send e-mail notes to an individual.
This list helps all of us handling problems. We can see if similar problems are occurring across the system or for a specific platform/publisher. The resolution of the problem is also posted to cul-ner with technical staff adding additional information as needed.
Yet perhaps the most important reason is that a problem sent to cul-ner is seen by five individuals. Within that small group, we know who is handling the problems on a given day, if someone is out, in meetings all day, at the dentist, etc.
Since I’m on the topic of best practices for problem solving, please direct your patrons to the problem report form when there is a problem with an electronic resource. (https://www1.columbia.edu/sec/cu/lweb/requestit/problem/)
This form gathers information in the background about the individual’s permissions, software, and IP addresses. This helps us resolve problems quickly.
Many thanks.