The Music Index Online is the single most comprehensive subject-author guide to music periodical literature. Published by Information Coordinators, a Harmonie Park Press, the editor-librarians have surveyed data from more than 850 music periodicals from over 40 countries. The Music Index has been available in print since 1949. The Music Index Online edition features over 1.4 million records. The searchable database is updated quarterly with about 100,000 new records added annually. In 2008, The Music Index Online coverage will span from 1973 to the present. Some backfile data from the period 1962-1972 is also included. Topics concerned with every aspect of the classical and popular world of music are thoroughly categorized and organized according to the framework of an internal Subject List which includes both Geographical and Subject Headings.
Access: IP
ERC: Elizabeth Davis
Dates: 10.21.08 – 12.21.08