New Database:Zhongguo li dai dian ji zong mu = Historical book catalogue of China

Zhongguo li dai dian ji zong mu =  Historical book catalogue of China Assembles entries of historical Chinese titles (pre-1949) from different catalogues for the purpose of checking and analyzing edition information, publishing time, genre analysis and holding libraries/institutions/countries. A significant portion of Columbia's Chinese rare book information is included as well. Selector: Chengzhi Wang […]

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New Database:Mirabile:Archivio digitale della cultura latina medievale = Digital archive for medieval latin culture

Mirabile: Archivio digitale della cultura latina medievale = Digital archive for medieval latin culture Mirabile is an online content aggregator of Medieval resources. It contains "extensive databases of medieval studies resulting from collaboration between the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (SISMEL) and the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini (FEF) and their journals published by […]

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