Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969 It covers Latin America and the Caribbean, from just after the final Spanish withdrawal from mainland America in the 1820s to the height of the Cold War in the 1960s. Covering revolutions, territorial changes and political movements, foreign financial interests, industrial and infrastructural development (including the building of the Panama […]
New Database: Current Protocols
Current Protocols Contains complete contents of: Current protocols in bioinformatics; Current protocols in cell biology; Current protocols in cytometry; Current protocols in human genetics; Current protocols in immunology; Current protocols in magnetic resonance imaging; Current protocols in microbiology; Current protocols in molecular biology; Current protocols in neuroscience; Current protocols in nucleic acid chemistry; Current protocols […]
New Database Trial: Confidential Print: Africa, 1834-1966
Confidential Print: Africa, 1834-1966 This new database includes the full era of the modern European colonisation of Africa, from the occupation of Algeria by France, through increasing British presence on the west African coast and beyond. Access:IP Selector: Yuusuf Caruso The trial will run until November 20, 2012. […]
New Database :Women and social movements, international :1840 to present
Women and social movements, international :1840 to present Online archive of published and manuscript primary sources focusing on women's international activism since the mid-nineteenth century. The archive includes proceedings of women's international conferences, books, pamphlets, articles from newspapers and journals, as well as correspondence, diary entries, and memoirs. Also contains numerous online publications of contemporary […]
New Database :Default recovery database
Default recovery database Moody's Default and Recovery Database provides comprehensive data set for credit research and model building, covering a large number of individual debt securities from distinct issuers with historical defaults back to 1920. Selector:Peng Xu Access:IP […]
New Database: Cambridge Books Online
Cambridge Books Online Cambridge Books Online offers access to eBooks from our world-renowned publishing programme, covering subjects from all disciplines across science, technology and medicine, as well as humanities and social sciences. Access: IP Selector: Amanda Bielskas […]
New Database Trial: Web of Knowledge
Web of Knowledge Web of Knowledge is today's premier research platform for information in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Access: IP Selector: Amanda S Bielskas The trial will run through November 30, 2012. […]
New Database:Morningstar investment research center
Morningstar investment research center A comprehensive stock database that includes financial data on companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ®, and the American Stock Exchange; in-depth research reports on companies; data on mutual, closed-end, and exchange-traded funds; analysts' reports on funds; exclusive investment tools and engaging educational features, including interactive training on basic […]
New Database:Springer Protocols
Springer Protocols SpringerProtocols provides access to peer-reviewed biological and biomedical research protocols from the Methods in Molecular Biology, Methods in Molecular Medicine, Neuromethods, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Methods in Biotechnology series. Selector:Danianne Mizzy Access:IP […]
New Database Trial: The First World War: Personal Experiences
The First World War: Personal Experiences This digital resource brings to life the reality of the First World War for the men and women who experienced it firsthand. It contains digital images of a wide range of original documents, including diaries, letters, personal narratives, trench journals, scrapbooks, objects, and a wealth of visual sources. It […]