New Database:State stats

State stats Data from more than 80 different government and non-government sources. Collection of more than 2,000 current and historical data series on popular topics of research interest. Discover, view, and export key information measures for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Topics including: Agriculture, Crime and Law, Enforcement, Defense, Demographics, Economics, Education, […]

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New Database:Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception

EBR: Encyclopedia of the Bible and its reception EBR offers a comprehensive and in-depth rendering of the current state of knowledge on the origins and development of the Bible according to its different canonic forms in Judaism and Christianity.  At the same time, EBR also documents the history of the Bible's reception in Judaism and […]

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New Database: NAM national ethnic media directory

NAM national ethnic media directory The NAM Online Directory provides information on more than 2,500 ethnic media organizations in the United States, including print, online, radio and television. It also includes a custom search feature that allows you to create your own search for media by city, state, language, ethnicity, and media type. Selector: Cris […]

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New Database Trial: Revolutionary War Era Orderly Books from the New-York Historical Society

Revolutionary War Era Orderly Books from the New-York Historical Society The Orderly Books collection—developed in conjunction with the New-York Historical Society—contains handwritten volumes documenting military orders, movements and engagements by brigade, regiment, company and other specific military units between 1748 and 1817. The content provides detailed accounts of troops’ daily lives, documenting everything from court […]

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New Database Trial: Gateway to North America: People, Places, and Organizations of 19th-Century New York

Gateway to North America: People, Places, and Organizations of 19th-Century New York It features over 800,000 pages of content from over 1500 residential and business directories, organization records, urban guidebooks, and other sources rich in names and places that present a history of the people of New York City from the late eighteenth through the […]

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New Database Trial: Byzantinische Bibliographie

Byzantinische Bibliographie The Byzantine Bibliography is the sole existing professional bibliography for all subfields of Byzantine studies. The entries are organized systematically by subject area and enriched by short discussions and references to relevant review articles. The database is thus a unique and indispensable aid for Byzantinists, historians, medievalists, theologians, and Hellenists. Access:IP Selector:Matthew Baker […]

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New Database Trial: ProQuest History Vault

ProQuest History Vault For the first time ever, ProQuest is introducing primary source materials from its University Publications of America (UPA) Collection in a digital format. ProQuest History Vault unlocks the wealth of archival materials with a single search. Researchers can access letters, papers, photographs, scrapbooks, financial records, diaries, and much more from a single […]

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