Literary manuscripts:17th and 18th century poetry from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds Complete facsimile images of 190 manuscripts of 17th and 18th century verse held in the celebrated Brotherton Collection at the University of Leeds. These manuscripts can be read and explored in conjunction with the BCMSV database, which includes first lines, last lines, […]
New Database: Benefits Plus
Benefits Plus Benefits Plus is a guide to government benefit programs for New York City residents. This manual is written for the social service provider serving the low-income population in NYC. Selector: Alysse Jordan Access:IP […]
New Database:The grand tour
The grand tour These accounts of the English abroad, c1550-1850, highlight the influence of continental travel on British art, architecture, urban planning, literature and philosophy. This collection of manuscript, visual and printed works allows scholars to compare a range of sources on the history of travel for the first time, including many from private or […]
New Database:Heinrich Bullinger’s original publications
Heinrich Bullinger's original publications This collection contains a selection of Heinrich Bullinger's works in Latin and German. In some cases translations of Bullinger's works into Latin, French, German, English and Dutch have been included because of their importance. This selection is of particular value for Reformation research in that Bullinger has always been overshadowed by […]
New Database: Oxford Handbooks Online. Philosophy
Oxford Handbooks Online. Philosophy Oxford Handbooks in Philosophy bring together the world's leading scholars to discuss the latest thinking in a range of major topics in philosophy. Containing specially-commissioned essays with extensive referencing to further reading, the handbooks offer both thorough introductions to topics in the discipline, and a useful reference resource for scholars and […]
New Database:Philipp Melanchthon, theologian and humanist
Philipp Melanchthon, theologian and humanist This collection focuses on three types of literature in the Melanchthon corpus. First, it especially includes works not contained in more recent collections of Melanchthon's works (i.e., the Corpus Reformatorum, Supplementa Melanchthoniana, and Melanchthon Studien Ausgabe). Second, it preserves important earlier printings of works, which have been hitherto unavailable in […]
New Database: East View LandScan global 2010
East View LandScan global 2010 LandScan is the finest resolution global population distribution data available and represents an ambient population average over 24 hours. LandScan population distribution models are tailored to match the data conditions and geographical nature of each individual country and region. Selector: Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen Access: IP […]
New Database Trial: Nineteenth Century Collections Online
Nineteenth Century Collections Online It is a multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the long nineteenth century that includes a variety of content types–monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, statistics, and more–and unites them in one central, cross-searchable location. Access:IP Selector: John Tofanelli The trial will run through June […]
New Database:Anthropology online
Anthropology online Comprehensive resource for the study of human culture and behavior, through access to the content in Ethnographic Video Online and Anthropology Online. "Upon completion, Anthropology Online is expected to contain more than 100,000 pages of written ethnographies, field notes, seminal tests, memoirs, and contemporary studies-many previously unpublished-from a global range of archives. Anthropology […]
New Database:Christian-Muslim Relations, A Bibliographical History
Christian-Muslim Relations, A Bibliographical History Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History Online is a general online history of relations between the faiths. It covers the period from 600 to 1500, when encounters took place through the extended Mediterranean basin and are recorded in Syriac, Arabic, Greek, Latin and other languages. Christian Muslim Relations Online comprises introductory […]