Medici TV All year long you can enjoy free live concerts, operas, ballets with the greatest artists of our time on our audio-visual platform. These live events are then available for a limited time on our website. Since its opening in 2008, has built an international reputation by broadcasting over 200 classical music events […]
New Database:World newspaper archive. Latin American newspapers. Series 2
World newspaper archive. Latin American newspapers. Series 2 A searchable collection of historical Latin American newspapers. Once completed this collection will include 35 newspapers published between 1805 and 1922 in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Guyana, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad and Venezuela. Selector: Sean Knowlton Access: IP […]
New Database Trial: State Stats
State Stats CQ Press provides comprehensive data coverage of each state including health care, crime, education and more. You'll find reliable, easy-to-use data from from hundreds of different sources covering more than 15 years. Access:IP Selector: Fadi Dagher The trial will run through March 26, 2012. […]
New Database:Oxford handbooks online. Political science
Oxford handbooks online. Political science Oxford handbooks in Political Science bring together the world's leading scholars to discuss research and the latest thinking in a range of major topics in political science. Containing specially-commissioned essays with extensive referencing to further reading, the handbooks offer both thorough introductions to topics in the discipline, and a useful […]
New Database:Arte Publico Hispanic Historical Collection. Series 1
Arte Publico Hispanic Historical Collection. Series 1 Series 1 presents a digital collection of historical content pertaining to U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture. "Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project" — from which the collections draws its content, is the largest national project ever to locate, preserve and disseminate Hispanic culture of the United […]
New Database Trial: Maisaku: the Mainishi Shinbu newspaper database
Maisaku: the Mainishi Shinbu newspaper database The Mainichi Shinbun newspaper searchable database from March 29, 1872 (then entitled Tokyo Nichinichi Shinbun) to present. Maisaku also include a weekly journal, Ekonomisuto (Economist). Access: IP (please use blue log-in button) Selector: Sachie Noguchi The trial will run through March 12, 2012. […]
New Database Trial: Defining Gender, 1450-1910
Defining Gender, 1450-1910 This exciting collection of original source material from British and European archives will enrich the teaching and research experience of those studying history, literature, sociology, education and cultural studies from a gendered perspective. Access: IP Selector: Sarah Witte The trial will run through March 6, 2012. […]
New Database: Bankscope
Bankscope Bankscope combines widely-sourced data with flexible software for searching and analysing banks across the globe. Selector: Peng Xu Access: IP […]
New Database Trial: The Grand Tour
The Grand Tour This collection of manuscript, visual and printed works allows scholars to compare a range of sources on the history of travel for the first time, including many from private or neglected collections. We include letters, diaries and journals, account books, printed guidebooks, published travel writing, paintings and sketches, architectural drawings and maps. […]
New Database: AccessEngineering
AccessEngineering AccessEngineering delivers information content from a broad range of McGraw-Hill engineering publications, including the latest editions of classics such as Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain, and many more. Selector: Danianne Mizzy Access: IP […]