Colombia and the United States : political violence, narcotics, and human rights, 1948-2010. Digital National Security Archive. National Security Archive’s Colombia collection traces more than 60 years of U.S. involvement in Latin America’s longest-running internal conflict, from the early days of the Cold War through the deluge of recent political scandals, which have revealed […]
New Database:China/Asia on demand
China/Asia on demand China/Asia On Demand (CAOD) is a knowledge gateway to scientific, technical, and medical information from China in particular and Asia in general. Access: IP Selector: Song Yu […]
New Database Trial: The Jewish Advocate (1905-1990)
The Jewish Advocate (1905-1990) The Jewish Advocate serves as a primary source of news and information as well as a forum for discussion and debate, providing lines of communication uniting the community and supporting the efforts aimed at reinvigorating and broadening Jewish religious and cultural life. Access: IP Selector: Michelle Chesner The trial runs […]
New Database Trial: The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger (1857-1922)
The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger (1857-1922) The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger was a weekly Jewish newspaper published in New York City. In 1903 it merged with the Jewish Messenger. The paper covered many topics of Jewish interest internationally. Many prominent Jewish writers and communal workers in the United States have been contributors […]
New Database Trial: MLA International Bibliography
MLA International Bibliography The MLA International Bibliography provides a subject index for books and articles published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics. It is compiled by the staff of the MLA Office of Bibliographic Information Services with the cooperation of more than 100 contributing bibliographers in the United States and abroad. Available online, […]
New Database Trial: Philosopher’s Index
Philosopher’s Index The Philosopher’s Index, considered the most thorough index of journal literature on the subject, features author-written abstracts covering scholarly research published in journals and books, including contributions to anthologies and book reviews. Access: IP Selector: Sarah Witte The trial runs through January 30, 2012 […]
New Database: Numerical Recipes
Numerical Recipes "Numerical Recipes is a series of text and reference books on "the art of scientific computing" that is famous for its engaging text and lucid mathematical and algorithmic explanations. The book includes commented full listings of now more than 400 unique C++ routines that can be downloaded in machine-readable form." Selector: Danianne […]
New Database: National Palace Museum database of Ch’ing Palace memorials and archives of the Grand Council
National Palace Museum database of Ch’ing Palace memorials and archives of the Grand Council Qing dai gong zhong dang zou zhe ji jun ji chu dang zhe jian quan wen ying xiang zi liao ku (National Palace Museum database of Ch’ing Palace memorials and archives of the Grand Council) provides metadata searching and full […]
New Database:Arts and humanities full text
Arts and humanities full text This ProQuest full-text journal database has been created to complement the CSA Illumina portfolio of Arts and Humanities databases. Subscribers to any of these databases – including ARTBibliographies Modern, Design and Applied Arts Index, British Humanities Index, MLA International Bibliography and Philosopher’s Index amongst others – can link directly […]
New Database:World Christian database
World Christian database World Christian database includes detailed information on 9,000 Christian denominations and on religions in every country of the world. Extensive data are available on 238 countries and 13,000 ethnolinguistic peoples, as well as on 5,000 cities and 3,000 provinces. Access: IP Selector: Matthew Baker […]