New Database: Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice

Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice  This collection documents key aspects of the history of slavery worldwide over six centuries, with 16 key areas of focus: slavery in the early Americas; African coast; the Middle Passage; slavery and agriculture; urban and domestic slavery; slave testimony; spiritualism and religion in slave communities; resistance and revolts; the Underground […]

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New Database: Victorian Popular Culture

  Victorian Popular Culture Spiritualism, mesmerism, psychical science and secular magic together define the cultural fields presented in this collection. It is concerned  with primarily English texts published during the "long" nineteenth century, from the beginnings of Mesmerism in 1779 through to the 1930s. Access: IP Selector: John Tofanelli […]

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New Database: BFI Screenonline

BFI Screenonline BFI Screenonline is an extensive publicly available encyclopaedia devoted to British film and television. The site is supplemented by rich and authoritative contextual material by expert writers, specially commissioned for BFI Screenonline alongside thousands of stills, posters and press books. Film clips are accessible only to registered UK schools, colleges, universities and public […]

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New Database: World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean Digital Archive

World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean Digital Archive World Scholar: Latin America & the Caribbean Digital Archive offers a rich collection of primary source documents about the region; academic journals and news feeds, reference articles and commentary, maps and statistics; audio and video and more. Access: IP Selector: Sean Knowlton The trial runs through October […]

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New Database Trial: PsycTESTS and PsycTHERAPY

PsycTESTS and PsycTHERAPY PsycTESTS is a research database that provides access to an abundance of full-text psychological tests, measures, scales, and other assessments as well as descriptive and administrative information for each. PsycTHERAPY is a database of therapy demonstration videos specifically developed to enable viewers to observe how therapists spontaneously employ different approaches and techniques […]

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