Mass Observation Online Update II The second Update to Mass Observation Online adds more than 140,000 full colour digitized images to the resource. This Update comprises of: The remaining war years diaries, 1943-1945 The Directives for the same period, 1943-1945 An additional five topic Collections: Smoking Habits, Drinking Habits, Gambling, Posters and the Britain […]
New Database Trial: Confidential Print: North America
Confidential Print: North America This collection covers a broad sweep of history from c. 1824 – 1961, taking in the USA, Canada, the Caribbean and Central America. The Confidential Print series issued by the Foreign and Colonial Offices since c1820 is one of the fundamental building blocks for research that should be possessed by any […]
New Database Trial: The American West
The American West A unique resource which will allow scholars to explore all of these areas and more through a mixture of original manuscripts, maps, ephemeral material (trade cards, wanted posters, photos, claim certificates, news-sheets etc) and rare printed sources. Access: IP Selector: Jonh Tofanelli Please note that the ‘download to PDF’ functionality is […]
New Database:Christian periodical index
Christian periodical index Christian Periodical Index provides indexing for evangelical Christian journals providing both articles and review indexing. Some of the titles indexed include, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, Leadership, Journal of Christian Nursing, Hymn, Bible and Spade, Discipleship Journal, Group, Youthworker, Journal of Psychology and Theology, Journal of Psychology and Christianity, Weavings, […]
New Database:Communication abstracts
Communication abstracts Comprehensively covers communication-related articles, reports, papers, and books from a variety of publishers, research institutions, and information sources world-wide. Coverage includes communication literature and literature in other related disciplines, such as international literature in film studies, role of technology in human communications, risk communications, crisis communication and public opinions. Selector: Cristina Ergunay […]
New Database:India, Raj and Empire
India, Raj and Empire Drawing upon the manuscript collections of the National Library of Scotland, this searchable online resource provides access to digital facsimiles of diaries and journals, official and private papers, letters, sketches, paintings and original Indian documents containing histories and literary works. The collection documents the relationship between Britain and India in […]
New Database:Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon:Artists of the world
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon: Artists of the world Database contains biographical information on more than 1 million artists. Incorporates the print publications: Thieme-Becker/Vollmer Gesamtregister, the Nürnberger Künstlerlexikon and the Lexikon der Künstlerinnen. Selector: Paula Gabbard Access: IP […]
New Database:Ireland collection
Ireland collection The Ireland Collection, developed in cooperation with Queen’s University Belfast, is an interdisciplinary collection of journals and other materials. It will contain a minimum of 75 journals, including journals with moving walls between 1 and 5 years and ceased journals from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Over 200 monographs and 2,500 […]
New Database:British records of the Atlantic world
British records of the Atlantic world This series from Microform Academic Publishers includes archival materials such as journals, correspondence, official records and personal papers over a two hundred year period, all related to British involvement in the Atlantic region, including both Africa and the Americas. It brings together a wealth of collections about Britain’s […]
New Database Trial: African American Periodicals
African American Periodicals African American Periodicals, 1825-1995 features more than 170 wide-ranging periodicals by and about African Americans. Published in 26 states, the publications include academic and political journals, commercial magazines, institutional newsletters, organizations’ bulletins, annual reports and other genres. These diverse periodicals—which have shaped, and in turn been shaped by, African American culture—will […]