New Database:The Cecil papers

  The Cecil papers The Cecil Papers are a privately held archive of approximately 30,000 sixteenth and seventeenth-century manuscripts, consisting principally of the correspondence of William Cecil, Lord Burghley (1520-1598) and his son Robert, the 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563-1612). Because of the importance of the Cecils, the materials offer crucial insights into the events […]

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New Database Trial: British Records on the Atlantic World

British Records on the Atlantic World This series from Microform Academic Publishers includes archival materials such as journals, correspondence, official records and personal papers over a two hundred year period, all related to British involvement in the Atlantic region, including both Africa and the Americas. Access: IP Selector: Pamela Graham Dates: 03/09/2011 to 03/16/2011 […]

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New Database Trial:Taylor and Francis Electronic Book

  Taylor and Francis Electronic Book Taylor and Francis Electronic Book offers 30 e-Collections in key subject areas, providing a comprehensive range of titles in each area. All of the e-Focus packages feature a specially selected collection of cutting-edge titles, adopt a multi-disciplinary approach, include contributions from renowned authorities, have new titles added every year. […]

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New Database Trial:Footnote History and Genealogy Archives (EBSCO)

  Footnote  History and Genealogy Archives Footnote History and Genealogy Archives combines original historical documents and personal histories, creating a unique historical and genealogical resource. It also has a vast array of valuable and unique content consisting of over 50 million pages of historical documents. The collection features millions of records available from a content […]

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New Database Trial:Arte Publico Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1 (EBSCO)

   Arte Publico Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1 Arte Publico Hispanic Historical Collection presents a digital collection of historical content pertaining to U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture. “Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project” – from which the collection draws its content, is the largest national project ever to locate, preserve and disseminate Hispanic […]

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New Database:Germanistik Online Datenbank

  Germanistik Online Datenbank Online version of Germanistik, an international publication covering german language and literary studies. "The online edition provides extensive indexing and factual coverage for every entry to quickly supply users with information on the content of the respective book or article. The database provides a category-specific and detailed search providing differentiated and […]

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New Database Trial:ProQuest Historical Newspapers: San Francisco Chronicle (1865-1922)

  ProQuest Historical Newspapers: San Francisco Chronicle (1865-1922) This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researches and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. ERC:John Tofanelli Access:IP The trial will run through February 27, 2011   […]

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New Database:ProQuest materials science collection

  ProQuest materials science collection This databases provides access to Materials Research Database with METADEX, ProQuest Materials Science Journals, and deep indexing of over a million tables and figures. Covers a variety of topics related to the multidisciplinary study of materials science, materials properties, and applications, including recycling, biomaterials, quality control, and more. ERC: Amanda […]

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