New Database:Biographical archive of the Middle Ages

  Biographical archive of the Middle Ages Covering a period reaching from the 6th century to 1500, the Biographical Archive of the Middle Ages documents 1,000 years of history, in biographical articles. Some 65,000 persons from Europe and the Middle East are included; individuals who shaped, influenced and sustained every day life, cultural development and […]

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New Database:The Black abolitionist papers

  The Black abolitionist papers Black Abolitionist Papers represents a huge effort by a scholarly team, headed by C. Peter Ripley and George E. Carter, who recognized that African Americans were a pivotal and persuasive force in the 19th-century anti-slavery movement but that their work had been virtually ignored in scholarship prior to this collection. […]

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New Database:Indo-European etymological dictionaries

Indo-European etymological dictionaries The Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries Online (IEDO) reconstructs the lexicon for the most important languages and language branches of Indo-European. It is a rich and voluminous online reference source for historical and general linguists. Dictionaries can be cross-searched, with an advance search for each individual dictionary enabling the user to perform more complex […]

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New Database: BrainNavigator

BrainNavigator BrainNavigator allows browsing and comparing atlas plates, species and diagrams. 3D modeling makes visualizing and understanding brain structures easier. Combining atlas content and 3D capabilities based on technologies from the Allen Institute for Brain Science, this online workflow solution is a one-stop shop for brain research, structure analysis and education. In addition, links to […]

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New Database Trial: SpringerMaterials

  SpringerMaterials SpringerMaterials is based on the Landolt-Börnstein New Series, the unique, fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. SpringerMaterials also comprises the Dortmund Data Bank Software and Separation Technology, a Database on Thermophysical Properties and the Linus Pauling Files, a Database on Inorganic Solid Phases and chemical safety data. […]

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