Sustainability Reference Center The Sustainability Reference Center is a comprehensive full-text database covering all aspects of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Offering content from more than 800 publications including journals, monographs, magazines, and trade publications, the Sustainability Reference Center provides the greatest concentration of sustainability-related information available today. Access: IP ERC: Amanda Bielskas Dates: […]
New Database Trial: Environment Complete
Environment Complete Environment Complete offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. Environment Complete contains more than 1,957,000 records from more than 1,700 domestic and […]
New Database Trial: Ecohydrology
Ecohydrology Ecohydrology is an international journal publishing original scientific and review papers that aim to improve understanding of processes at the interface between ecology and hydrology and associated applications related to environmental management. Ecohydrology seeks to increase interdisciplinary insights by placing particular emphasis on interactions and associated feedbacks in both space and time […]
New Database: Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world
Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic world This resource covers Jewish history, religion and culture in Muslim lands, from the seventh century to the present (2010), particularly in the late medieval, early modern and modern periods. ERC: Michelle Chesner Access: IP […]
New Database: Supplementum epigraphicum graecum
Supplementum epigraphicum graecum A collected bibliography of books and articles on aspects of Greek epigraphy, as well as summaries of Greek inscriptions. This online edition includes the electronic equivalent of all 54 SEG volumes published so far. ERC: Karen Green Access: IP […]
New Database: Brill’s New Jacoby
Brill’s New Jacoby A new edition of one of the fundamental modern sources of classical scholarship, in a fully searchable and indexed online format. ERC: Karen Green Access: IP […]
New Database:Kokushi Daijiten
Kokushi Daijiten Kokushi Daijiten is the most authoritative Dictionary of Japanese History, which printed version consists of 14 volumes and published by the Tokyo-based company Yoshikawa Kobunkan, a respected publisher specialized in Japanese history. The electronic version of the Kokushi Daijiten is an additional database to Japan Knowledge and it is available from Japan […]
New Database:Historic map works
Historic map works The collection consists of U.S. Collection, World Collection and Special Collection. In the U.S. Collection, there are over 100,000 cadastral, land ownership maps detailing the geographic and development history of the United States over several hundred years. The World Collection is a collection of maps covering the world through time. The […]
New Database Trial: Communication & Mass Media Complete
Communication & Mass Media Complete Communication & Mass Media Complete provides indexing and abstracts for more than 550 journals (full text for over 440 of those journals), and selected coverage of nearly 200 more, for a combined coverage of 737 titles. CMMC incorporates the content of CommSearch (formerly produced by the National Communication Association) […]
New Database Trial: Communication Abstracts
Communication Abstracts Communication Abstracts, formerly produced by Sage Publications, is a comprehensive source of information about communication-related publications, covering all areas of communications. This database contains over 235,000 records and covers major journals in communication, mass media, and other related fields of study. Access: IP ERC: Cristina Ergunay The trial will run […]