Music online. Jazz music library Jazz Music Library is a collection of jazz recordings which covers thousands of artists, ensembles, albums, and genres, from all over the world, from the beginnings of jazz to today. It’s an essential resource for the study and teaching of jazz history, performance, theory, or appreciation. ERC: Elizabeth […]
New Database Trial: Eighteenth Century Journals Portal
Eighteenth Century Journals Portal This Portal brings together rare journals printed between c1685 and 1815, illuminating all aspects of eighteenth-century social, political and literary life. Many are ephemeral, lasting only for a handful of issues, others run for several years. Topics covered are extremely wide-ranging and include: colonial life; provincial and rural affairs; the […]
New Database Trial: The Romantic Era Redefined
The Romantic Era Redefined A searchable collection of works focusing in the period between 1800 and 1830, that will bring academic research libraries a new, genre-redefining electronic collection of Romantic-era literature. In partnership with Pickering & Chatto Publishers, Alexander Street Press will publish in this collection canonical and previously unrecognized writers from Britain, the […]
New Database Trial: Asia-Studies
ASIA-STUDIES Full-Text Asia-Studies Full-Text Online is the premier database for the study of modern Asia Pacific. As the exclusive licensee for many of the region’s most prestigious research institutions, brings together thousands of full-text reports covering 55 countries* on a multitude of business, government, economic, and social issues. ASIA-STUDIES–HUMANITIES Humanities represents an important part […]
New Database: ProQuest Entrepreneurship
ProQuest Entrepreneurship Search worldwide publications and multi-media related to the topic of Entrepreneurship. Intended to bridge theory with practice, the Entrepreneurship database covers a wide spectrum of resources useful to educators, researchers, students and practitioners. Content ranges from the scholarly–including journals, dissertations, working papers and conference proceedings–to a full toolkit of practical guides, templates, forms, […]
New Database: Art & Architecture Complete
Art & Architecture Complete A comprehensive bibliographic database that provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for academic journals, magazines and trade publications with full text for many periodicals and books, as well as selective coverage for a number of other publications. An image collection is also available. ERC: Chris Sala Access: IP […]
New Database: Grzimek’s Animal Life
Grzimek’s Animal Life A constantly updated animal reference collection based on Grzimek’s acclaimed 17-volume encyclopedia. ERC: Kathleen Kehoe Access: IP […]
New Database: Cost of living index calculator
Cost of living index calculator The ACCRA Cost of Living Calculator uses data from the ACCRA Cost of Living Index to make comparisons of the costs of living between cities. ERC: Peng Xu No access restrictions […]
New Trial Database:MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO)
MLA International Bibliography MLA International Bibliography offers a detailed bibliography of journal articles, books and dissertations. Produced by the Modern Language Association, the electronic version of the bibliography dates back to the 1920s and contains over 2.2 million citations from more than 4,400 journals & series, and 1,000 book publishers. The indexed materials coverage is […]
New Database: Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003
Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003 Online access to the entire run of the ILN from its first publication on 14 May 1842 to its last in 2003. Each page has been digitally reproduced in full colour and every article and caption is full-text searchable with hit-term highlighting and links to corresponding illustrations. […]