New Database: Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels

  Underground and Independent Comics, Comix, and Graphic Novels A primary source database focusing on North American and European adult comic books and graphic novels. The collection includes original material from the 1950s to today, along with interviews, commentary, theory, and criticism from journals, books, and magazines.   ERC: Karen Green Access: IP […]

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New Database:Ethnographic Video Online

  Ethnographic Video Online Ethnographic Video Online provides the largest, most comprehensive resource for the study of human culture and behavior – more than 750 hours and 1,000 films at completion. The collection covers every region of the world and features the work of many of the most influential documentary filmmakers of the 20th century, […]

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New Database Trial: Statesman’s Yearbook

Statesman’s Yearbook The Statesman’s Yearbook is a reference guide on key political, demographic and social information on every country in the world and includes a wide array of facts and historical reference data.  In 2010 the Stateman’s Yearbook has also come to include the 1864 archive which compiles all passed editions (145 total) dating back […]

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New Database: Pravda

                                                                        Pravda Russian and Soviet history, from the beginnings of the Russian Revolution through World War II, the Cold War, the fall of the Soviet Union, and everything in between.     ERC: Rob Davis Access: IP   […]

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New Database Trial: American Biographical Archive (ABA I, II and III incl. Supplement ABA S) Online

American Biographical Archive (ABA I, II and III incl. Supplement ABA S) Online Provides short biographical information on over 6 Million people from the 8th century B.C. to the present. Included are 8.4 Million digital facsimile articles from biographical reference works.   Access: IP ERC: Mary Cargill The trial will run through June 11, 2010 […]

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New Database Trial:MLA International Bibliography (Proquest / CSA)

  MLA International Bibliiography (Proquest / CSA) The MLA International Bibliography is a classified listing and subject index of scholarly books and articles on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics which has been compiled by the Modern Language Association of America since 1926. The electronic version includes the Bibliography’s entire print run, and currently contains […]

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New Database Trial: American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection, Series 1 & 2

American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection, Series 1 & 2   The American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 1 presents over 500 titles dating from 1691 through 1820.  Subject strengths include but are not limited to Afro-Americana, agriculture, children’s literature, education, eighteenth-century imprints, leisure and hobbies, Masonic works, medicine, religion, science and […]

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New Database Trial:MLA International Bibliography

MLA International Biliography on InfoTrac The Modern Language Association International Bibliography provides searchable access to more than 2 million bibliographic citations to journal articles, books, dissertations, and scholarly Web sites. It indexes materials from 1926 to the present in academic disciplines such as language, literature, folklore, linguistics, literary theory and criticism, and the dramatic arts. […]

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