OpenURL Linking

CERM has changed the OpenURL linking for the majority of the electronic resources to Serials Solutions.  There is a very long tail on this project but we estimate that 90% of the resources have been moved. If you run across an electronic resource that is still linking to an SFX screen, please drop a note […]

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New Database:Zhongguo wen shi zi liao ji cui

 Zhongguo wen shi zi liao ji cui  Zhongguo wen shi zi liao ji cui: Chinamaxx digital library of Chinese e-books contains full texts of about 20,000 volumes of publications, which are mostly first-person narratives on history, culture, politics, economy, literature and ethnicity, etc. Contents are from authors representing nearly all Chinese counties, cities, prefectures and […]

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New Database Trial:Reaxys

Reaxys Reaxys is a web-based search and retrieval system for chemical compounds, bibliographic data and chemical reactions. It is built to support chemists in their daily work with focused and relevant information in chemistry. Reaxys starts with the query form, which allows you to enter reaction, substance or textual information. These 3 query types are […]

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Problems with Electronic Resources

If you are having a problem with an electronic resource, please submit a problem report form.  The form can be found at: It is really important to have the person experiencing the problem fill out the form.  The form gathers information in the background about permissions, IP addresses, and software.  CERM needs these to […]

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New Database Trial: Oxford Language Dictionaries Online (OLDO)

                                   Oxford Language Dictionaries Online (OLDO) Oxford Language Dictionaries Online (OLDO) features essential language resources never before available online – fully searchable, completely comprehensive bilingual dictionaries, and unique study materials that provide extra help with learning and using an expanding range of languages.  Offering over 4 million words, phrases and translations in French, German,Spanish, Italian, Russian, […]

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New Database: 19th Century British Pamphlets

                                         19th Century British Pamphlets This project, conceived by the Research Libraries UK (RLUK) and funded by the JISC Digitisation Programme, preserves and provides online access to [over 25,000] of the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in UK research libraries. Selected by RLUK, the pamphlets provide users with a wide focus […]

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New Database: Yearbook of the Imperial Theaters

 Yearbook of the Imperial Theaters This annual periodical, published during the period 1890-1915, offers an incredible wealth of exciting material concerning the late imperial stage in Russia. Its pages include repertoires, critical essays and reviews of theatrical performances, chronicles of metropolitan theater life, articles discussing a wide range of topics as well as information about […]

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New Database: Manuscript women’s letters and diaries

Manuscript women’s letters and diaries Previously unpublished letters and diaries of women of the 18th, 19th, and 20th century. “The women wrote from the many places throughout the U.S. in which they lived, traveled, worked, studied, and observed the lives and historical events around them–including John Brown’s raid; the activities of the Ku Klux Klan; […]

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