The Literary Encyclopedia An expanding global literary reference work providing authoritative profiles of authors, works and literary and historical topics. Good coverage of canonical literature originally written in English, French, German and Russian, and extending its coverage of Italian, Spanish, Latin and Greek. Access: IP ERC: Junko Stuveras Dates: April-May 2009 […]
New Database: Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique. Bibliographie (RHE)
Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique. Bibliographie (RHE) International bibliography on religious history covering among other topics: institutions, orders, congregations, people, hagiography, relations with Islam and Judaism, art history, music and architecture. ERC: Seth Kasten, Karen Green Access: IP ————— Electronic Resources Services Columbia University Libraries […]
New Database: Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques (DHGE)
Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques (DHGE) The Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques comprises extensive articles on the history of the Church. It is the online version of the reference work published by Letouzey et Ané. ERC: Seth Kasten, Karen Green Access: IP ————— Electronic Resources Services Columbia University Libraries […]
New Trial Database: American History in Video
American History in Video American History in Video provides the largest and richest collection of video available online for the study of American history, with 2,000 hours and more than 5,000 titles on completion. The collection allows students and researchers to analyze historical events, and the presentation of historical events over time, through commercial and governmental […]
P-Card & PayPal Revisited
As we recently reported, the rules and restrictions regarding the use of the Purchasing Card (P-Card) have changed. The use of PayPal to acquire material is forbidden. When we process a request and find that the only option available to us is to use PayPal, we will try to identify another source for the item. […]
New Database Trial: American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection (Beta Version)
New Database Trial: American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection (Beta Version) The AAS Historical Periodicals Collection (BETA Version) contains a limited data set from the extensive collection at the American Antiquarian Society, the premier library documenting the life of America’s people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction. The Beta Version […]
New Database: Credo Reference
New Database: Credo Reference Credo Reference provides access to a collection of aggregated and integrated reference books from high-quality publishers. ERC: Bob Scott Access IP […]
New Database: Online library of liberty
New Database: Online library of liberty Classic books about individual liberty going back 4,000 years and covering economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, political theory, religion, war and peace. ERC: Jean Laponce Access: IP […]
P-Card & PayPal
The rules & restrictions regarding the use of the Purchasing Card (P-Card) have changed. It is no longer possible for us to use the P-Card to purchase material through PayPal. We are working with the folks over in Purchasing to figure out how to acquire material available only via PayPal. […]
Individual Fund Balances
My workstation has been upgraded to Microsoft Office 2007. I am having a few technical issues working with WCM. At the moment, I am not able to post spreadsheets to the INFORMATION FOR SELECTORS web page. Please bear with us as we work through the technical problems. I will post the spreadsheets on the SHARED […]