ASTM digital library ASTM Digital Library is an electronic edition of nearly every ASTM book, paper, or chapter from nearly every piece of work published by ASTM. The new ASTM Digital Library provides over 30,000 papers and chapters and more than 400,000 pages of information in a self-service environment where you can download as much […]
New Database: ASTM standards.
ASTM International: standards worldwide. ASTM international standards worldwide includes catalogs of standards and of other publications of ASTM International, as well as information about its members and activities. ERC: Song Yu Access: IP […]
New Database: Latin American newspapers
Latin American newspapers Searchable collection of historical Latin American newspapers. Once completed this collection will include 35 newspapers published in the 19th and early 20th century in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. ERC: Pamela Graham Access: IP […]
Questions for Electronic Resources
If you have questions about access to, or the status of an electronic resource, please send your inquiry to Sending queries directly to an individual may delay receiving a response. This list is monitored by a group of people who will try to answer your question within 2 business days. […]
New Database: Nineteenth-century literature and culture collection
Nineteenth-century literature and culture collection Rotunda’s Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture collection offers scholars and students at all levels an invaluable source of primary and secondary materials by some of the era’s most enduring figures: William Wells Brown, Herman Melville, Matthew Arnold, Christina Rossetti, and Emily Shore. ERC: John Tofanelli Access IP: […]
New Database: Emily Dickinson’s correspondences
Emily Dickinson’s correspondences Unpublished in book form during her lifetime, the poems of Emily Dickinson were nonetheless shared with those she trusted most–through her letters. This XML-based archive brings together seventy-four poems and letters from Emily’s correspondence with her sister-in-law and primary confidante, Susan Dickinson. Each text is presented with a digitized scan of the […]
New database: The Adams Papers Digital Edition
The Adams Papers Digital Edition The Adams Papers Digital Edition comprises John Adams’s complete diaries, selected legal papers, and the ongoing series of family correspondence and state papers. This XML edition presents in a searchable online environment all 30 volumes of The Adams Papers from the founding generation that have so far appeared in print. […]
New Database: American founding era collection
American founding era collection Rotunda’s American Founding Era collection offers scholars and students at all levels an invaluable source of primary and secondary materials by some of the era’s most enduring figures, including George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton. ERC: John Tofanelli Access IP: […]
New Database: World newspaper archive
World newspaper archive Searchable collection of historical newspapers from around the world. Begins with Latin American newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries. Forthcoming are African, European, Middle Eastern, South Asian, and Southeast Asian newspapers. Can be cross-searched with collection: America’s historical newspapers. ERC: Pamela Graham Access: IP […]
New Database: American song
American song American Song is a history database that will contain 50,000 tracks that allows people to hear and feel the music from America’s past. The database will include songs by and about American Indians, miners, immigrants, slaves, children, pioneers, and cowboys. Included in the database are the songs of Civil Rights, political campaigns, Prohibition, […]