Foreign Broadcast Information Service The United States’ principal record of political and historical open source intelligence. […]
New Database: Census of Antique Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance
Census of Antique Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance Database of texts and images which documents the links between the art and architecture of classical antiquity and the Renaissance. The “Census” includes drawings, sketches, treatises etc. as recorded in Renaissance documents illustrating the knowledge and study of classical antiquity by Renaissance artists. […]
New Database: Urban Studies Abstracts
Urban Studies Abstracts Includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to urban studies, including urban affairs, community development, urban history, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. Records are selected from many of the top titles within the discipline, including Journal of Urban Affairs, Urban Studies, and Canadian Journal of Urban Research. […]
New Database: Peace Research Abstracts
Peace Research Abstracts Peace Research Abstracts includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to peace research, including conflict resolution, international affairs, peace psychology, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. Records are selected from many of the top titles within the discipline, including International Journal of Peace Studies, International Journal on World Peace, […]
New Database Trial: Ebrary’s Library Center
Ebrary’s Library Center Includes more than 85 full-text e-books covering topics such as digital library development, general collection development, and the history of libraries and librarianship, as well as illustrated guides from the U.S. Library of Congress. Contributing publishers include Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Idea Group, Inc., Greenwood Publishing Group, Library of Congress, and MIT […]
New Database Trial: American Men and Women of Science
American Men and Women of Science This resource is a biographical dictionary of the significant players in the physical, biological and related sciences. Each edition includes biographical entries on approximately 120,000 living scientists, providing birthdate; birthplace; field of specialty; education; honorary degrees; current position; professional and career information; awards; memberships; research information; and addresses for […]
New Database Trial: Biomedical and Life Sciences Collection
Biomedical and Life Sciences Collection Collection of already over 700 seminar style talks designed to meet the needs of research scientists, graduate students and the most advanced undergraduates. All of the seminars have been specially commissioned from leading scientists and are presented in a user-friendly format of animated slides with synchronized narration. Under the guidance […]
New Database Trial: Global Road Warrior Country Database
Global Road Warrior Country Database Global Road Warrior Country Database is published by World Trade Press, a developer and publisher of professional books and e-content specifically designed for those engaged in international trade and business travel. Data is organized by country and includes practical information on country demographics, climate, business culture, health and medicine, embassies, […]
New Database Trial: IOPScience
IOPScience A new online service for journal content published by IOP. It contains more than 250,000 articles, from 1874 to the present day. It’s been designed to give you easy access to scientific, technical and medical content. ERC: Kathleen Kehoe Access: IP Dates: 03.01.08 – 04.30.08 […]
New Database Trial: Oxford Scholarship Online
Oxford Scholarship Online Oxford Scholarship Online is a groundbreaking online resource, combining OUP’s core scholarly books in thirteen subject areas: Economics/Finance, Political Science, Religion, Philosophy, Literature, History, Classics, Psychology, Linguistics, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, and Business/Management. The latest update brings the total number of scholarly monographs available in this cross-indexed, fully searchable database to 1,973. And […]