WATERnetBASE Comprehensive multidiscipline resource providing access to reference works on drinking water, ground water, hydrogeology, hydrology, storm water, surface water, waste water, water pollution and wetlands. Also includes the current edition of Water encyclopedia. Access: IP ERC: Ujwal Ranadive […]
New Database: CQ Almanac
CQ Almanac Brings together over sixty years of authoritative congressional reporting in one, easy-to-use resource. The site pairs all of the content from the print volumes with a number of exciting electronic features and functions that make navigating this immense amount of content fast and easy. Access: IP ERC: Jerry Breeze […]
New Database: Cambridge Collections Online
Cambridge Collections Online Offers subject or theme based cross-searchable collections, including Cambridge Companions Complete Collection with its two sub-collections: Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics, and: Cambridge Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture. Each collection is updated with new Companions on publication. Cambridge Collections Online also includes: Shakespeare Survey, an online version of the print […]
New Database: 19th Century British Library Newspapers
19th Century British Library Newspapers Searchable full text of full runs of newspapers specially selected by the British Library to best represent nineteenth-century Britain. This new collection includes national and regional newspapers, as well as newspapers from: established country or university towns; the new industrial powerhouses of the manufacturing Midlands; and Scotland, Ireland and Wales. […]
New Database: Latin American Newsstand
Latin American Newsstand Database of current news sources consisting of daily reports, weekly reports, regional reports, and more. Access:IP ERC: Pamela Graham […]
New Database: LatinNews.com
LatinNews.com Database of current news sources consisting of daily reports, weekly reports, regional reports, and more. Access: IP ERC: Pamela Graham […]
New Database: 17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers
17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers A searchable full-text access to the British Library’s collection of the newspapers, pamphlets, and books gathered by Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817)–the largest and most comprehensive collection of early English news media. More than twelve hundred titles and almost one million pages are included. Access:IP ERC: John Tofanelli […]
New Database: Monumenta Germaniae Historica
Monumenta Germaniae Historica Includes a collection of primary sources which document the history of the Germanic regions of medieval Europe. Includes a selection of texts from all five divisions of Monumenta Germaniae Historica (Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae, Antiquitates). Access: IP ERC: Karen Green […]
New Database: Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature
Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature Contains the texts processed thus far from the corpus of Celtic-Latin literature from the period 400-1200 as part of the Royal Irish Academy’s Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources project. Access: IP ERC: Karen Green […]
New Database: Orbis
Orbis Integrates data from all of Bureau van Dijk databases. ORBIS includes full searching facilities and global standard report format for in-depth international searching and analysis. Access: IP ERC: Kathleen Dreyer […]