Aristoteles Latinus Database Contains the complete corpus of medieval Greek-Latin translations of the works of Aristotle as published in the printed work, Aristoteles Latinus. ERC: Karen Green Access: IP […]
New Database: The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online
Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online Garland Encyclopedia is a comprehensive online resource devoted to music research of all the world’s peoples. Each volume contains an overview of a geographic region, a survey of its musical heritage, and a description of specific musical genres, practices, and performances. Articles include detailed photographs that show musicians, musical […]
New Database: Oxford Islamic Studies Online
Oxford Islamic Studies Online Brings together the best current scholarship in the field and promotes accurate and informed understanding of the Islamic world. This fully integrated resource features reference content and commentary by renowned scholars in areas such as global Islamic history, concepts, people, practices, politics, and culture. Access:IP ERC: David Magier […]
New Database: House of Commons Parliamentary Papers
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers House of Commons Parliamentary Papers encompasses all areas of social, political, economic and foreign policy, “showing how issues were explored and legislation was formed. Many contributors to the papers were found outside the official world, providing evidence or supplying memoranda to committees and commissions.” Access: IP ERC: John Tofanelli […]
New Database: Colonial State Papers
Colonial State Papers Colonial State Papers provides access to thousands of papers concerning English activities in the American, Canadian, and West Indian colonies between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. Colonial State Papers integrates two important research tools as one service: Collection CO 1 from The National Archives and Calendar of State Papers, Colonial: North America […]
New Database Trial: House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1688-1834
House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1688-1834 HCPP is one of the most detailed primary sources for the past few centuries, for Britain, its colonies and the wider world. They are a major part of the historical record. The Parliamentary papers influenced public opinion and social and political philosophy, and provided a forum for ideas for […]
New Database Trial: Oxford Islamic Studies Online
Oxford Islamic Studies Online Offers unrivaled online access to the history and culture of Islam and provides full-text access to great Oxford reference and scholarly works, including The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, The Oxford History of Islam, The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, two classic interpretations of the Qur’an, a Concordance of the […]
New Database Trial: ISLA
Information Services Latin America (ISLA) Provides a press monitoring service tracking coverage on every Latin American country from the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Financial Times, Manchester Guardian, Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal and Miami Herald on a monthly basis since 1970. Coverage is culled for redundancy, organized by country, arranged […]
New Database: Rock’s Backpages
Rock’s Backpages Rock reviews, articles and interviews from the late 1950s to the present day. Access: IP ERC: Elizabeth Davis […]
New Database: Primary Sources in Counseling and Psychology
Primary Sources in Counseling and Psychology, 1950-Present A searchable collection containing real transcripts of therapy and counseling sessions and first-person narratives illuminating the experience of mental illness and its treatment, as well as reference works to contextualize the primary material. Access: IP ERC: Alysse Jordan […]