North American Women’s Drama This edition of North American Women’s Drama contains 1,517 plays by 330 playwrights, together with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. The database also includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays. Access: IP ERC: Nancy Friedland Dates: 10.08.07-12.06.07 […]
New Database Trial: Social Theory
Social Theory Offers an extensive selection of documents that explore the complexities and interpret the nature of social behavior and organization.The current release features more than 60,000 pages of content by such major theorists as Jean Baudrillard, Ulrich Beck, Howard Becker, Nancy Chodorow, Ralf Dahrendorf, Erving Goffman, Robert Merton, and Talcott Parsons. Access: IP ERC: […]
New Database Trial: Cambridge Collections Online
Cambridge Collections Online Cambridge Collections Online includes full access to Econometric Society Monographs, Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics, and Cambridge Companions to Philosophy, Religion and Culture. Econometric Society Monographs are high-quality research works in the fields of economic theory, econometrics, and quantitative economics. Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics offers over 1500 comprehensive and […]
New Database Trial: Credo Reference
Credo Reference Credo Reference enables users to find authoritative answers fast. It features content from hundreds of reference books in a broad range of subjects. Topics covered include technology, art, business, bilingual dictionaries, biographical encyclopedias, geography, science, history and more. New reference works are added frequently. Access:IP ERC: Ree DeDonato Dates: 09.28.07 – 10.28.07 […]
E-Resource Platform Changes
The following resources are now available through FirstSearch: Index to 19th Century American Art Periodicals Francis Chicano Database Bibliography of the History of Art Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals Hand Press Book Database […]
New Database: Spatial Data Catalog
Spatial Data Catalog The CU spatial data catalog allows for searching and in most cases, downloading spatial data contained in zip files. New datasets are continuously being added to the catalog. ERC: N/A Access: IP […]
New Database: SciELO
SciELO An electronic virtual library covering a selected collection of scientific journals. Provides access to abstracts and full text of articles through SciELO interface with title browse, author index, and subject index. ERC: Pamela Graham Access: IP […]
New Database: Encyclopedia of the Quran
Encyclopedia of the Quran Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Quran (EQ) combines alphabetically-arranged articles about the contents of the Quran. It is an encyclopaedic dictionary of Quranic terms, concepts, personalities, place names, cultural history and exegesis extended with essays on the most important themes and subjects within Quranic studies. ERC: Hossein Kamaly Access: IP […]
New Database: Corsair
Corsair CORSAIR is the comprehensive online collections catalog of The Pierpont Morgan Library. It is also the gateway to online research resources focusing on the Library’s collections. These currently comprise detailed descriptions and bibliographies of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts and guides to the collections for researchers. Online finding aids for archival collections and images of […]
New Database: Europa World Plus
Europa World Plus Economic, political, historical, and geographic profiles of 250+ countries and global regions. Contact information for political, business, media, and cultural agencies and officials, including 1,900 international organizations. Search or browse by country, region, organization, or people. ERC: Fadi Dagher Access: IP […]