JapanKnowledge Includes dictionaries (Japanese, English-Japanese, Japanese-English and English-English); a full text 30 vol. encyclopedia, two dictionaries of current words, a dictionary of scientific terms, a biographical dictionary, the JK Who’s Who, the Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, a news database (NNA) that covers Asia and the European Union, full-text of books in the Tōyō bunko series, […]
New Database: Cultural Revolution Database
Cultural Revolution Database Contains historical materials related to the Revolution: Chinese Communist Party documents, speeches and writings by major party leaders and media commentaries. Comprises 10,000 documents in 35 million characters. Users can browse by subject categories and date. It is also searchable by author, keyword and organization. ERC: Chengzhi Wang Access: IP […]
New Database Trial: Literature Criticism Online
Literature Criticism Online The 10 individual Thomson Gale series that comprise Literature Criticism Online represent a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras and genres. Literature Criticism Online is designed to provide easy access for readers of all ages and skill levels. Beginning-level users may simply enter an […]
What’s happening?
We have begun the process of reorganizing the Bibliographic Services and Collection Development Group. Although there have been changes in reporting lines, selectors should refer questions to the same individuals: Peter Genga for Firm Orders; Matt Pavlick for Approvals, Gifts, and general MAS questions. Within SAS, the contact list remains the same as well. Alan […]
New Database Trial: Latin American Newsstand
Latin American Newsstand ProQuest Latin American Newsstand provides full-text access in Spanish and Portuguese to 37 newspapers and newswires from Puerto Rico and 11 Latin American countries, including Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. Notable titles include El Norte, Reforma, O Globo, La Nacion, and Portafolio. Password: welcome ERC: Pamela Graham Trial Dates: 09.19.07-10.18.07 […]
New Database: Blackwell Reference Online
Blackwell Reference Online Provides full-text access to reference works in the humanities, social sciences, and business and management. It supports browsing and full-text searching. Access: IP ERC: Jean Laponce […]
New Database: The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals
Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals The vast majority of articles written for Victorian periodicals were published anonymously, or under pseudonyms. The Wellesley Index identifies the authors of articles within major Victorian periodicals, and provides a bibliography for each contributor. 45 important monthly and quarterly titles are included, covering the period from the beginning of the […]
New Database: Brill’s New Pauly
Brill’s New Pauly The NEW PAULY is intended as an aid for the study of Greek and Roman culture and its multifaceted presence in all periods of European and, since the Early Modern period, world history. Access: IP ERC: Mary Cargill […]
New Database: AAPG Datapages
AAPG Datapages This is the combined search-and-retrieval website for AAPG publications and related collections. Includes full-text and abstracts. Access: IP ERC: Amanda Bielskas […]
New Database: Scopus
Scopus Provides indexing, abstracting of and citation linking to journals in science, technology, and medicine. Access: IP ERC: Kathleen Kehoe […]