Historical New York Tribune The New York Tribune (1900-1910) offers full page and article images with searchable full text. The collection includes digital reproductions providing access to every page from every available issue. Access: IP ERC: John Tofanelli […]
New Database: Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Synthesis
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Synthesis Online version of the standard reference work describing reagents of use to organic chemists. Access: IP ERC: Song Yu […]
New Database: Proquest Historical Annual Reports
Proquest Historical Annual Reports Database offers corporate annual reports for U.S. companies from 1884 to the present. Key data (financial, Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, key people, geographic location, auditor, and related companies) are indexed in the citation and can be searched. Reports can be browsed by company name, industry or date. Cross-searchable to other […]
New Database: RSC eBook Collection
RSC eBookCollection The RSC eBook Collection is a comprehensive overview of research and opinion in a multitude of areas of chemical science. Continually updated and expanded throughout the year the RSC eBook Collection provides access to new content as it is published and continuous access to the full RSC catalogue of books. The eBook Collection […]
New Database Trial: Oxford Language Dictionaries
Oxford Language Dictionaries From the publisher: Initially offering millions of words, phrases, and translations, in French, German, Spanish and Italian, the site will expand to include many other languages such as Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Polish. Included are usage examples and illustrative phrases, grammar guidance, click-through verb tables and pronunciation charts, explanations of grammatical terms, […]
New Database Trial: Environment Complete
Environment Complete From the publisher: Offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy resources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more. IP Authenticated ERC: Fadi Dagher Trial Dates: 09.14.07 – 10.14.07 […]
New Database Trial: SocINDEX with Full Text
SocINDEX with Full Text From the publisher: The world’s most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database. Its extensive scope and content provide users with a wealth of extremely useful information encompassing the broad spectrum of sociological study. The database features more than 1,910,000 records with subject headings from a 19,300 term sociological thesaurus designed […]
New Database Trial: Cambridge Collections Online
Cambridge Collections Online – Shakespeare Survey From the publisher: Shakespeare Survey is a yearbook of Shakespeare studies and production. Since 1948 Survey has published the best international scholarship in English and many of its essays have become classics of Shakespeare criticism. Each volume is devoted to a theme, or play, or group of plays; each […]
New Database Trial: Rock’s Backpages
Rock’s Backpages From the publisher: 10,000 articles, interviews and reviews from the world’s best music writers and critics, from the late 1950s to the present day. Subscribers can search an exclusive archive of reviews, interviews and features on artists from Aaliyah to ZZ Top, by the best writers and from the most influential magazines. IP […]
New Database Trial: Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online
Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online From the publisher: The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music Online is the first comprehensive online resource devoted to music research of all the world’s peoples. More than 9,000 pages of material, combined with entries by more than 700 expert contributors from all over the world, make this the most […]