Many thanks to those of you who submitted cancellations for the 2008 calendar year. That spreadsheet is now frozen. We are sorting through the submissions and we have begun the cancellation process. The spreadsheet for the 2009 calendar year is on the TSAD website on the Shared directory. Please enter additional cancellations as you identify […]
Online Order Form
The online order form is available via the TSAD website at: Please use this form to request items that are firm ordered. Specifically, these would be books, VHS/DVD’s, microforms, serial back issues, single e-books, software, and scores. The form has been revised to accommodate changes selectors requested, specifically, the option to provide an OCLC […]
E-Resource Platform Change
Essay and General Literature Index is now available through Wilson Web: […]
Submitting orders for non-electronic material
Please submit orders for non-electronic material to: Orders sent directly to an individual’s email account may not be processed in a timely manner. […]
Do I need to complete an NER form when going to e-only?
The answer is it depends upon the subscriptions we have in place. If we currently have a subscription that includes both print and electronic formats, generally a new NER form is not required to continue as E-only. SAS will still have to cancel the print+electronic package and create a new order for electronic only but […]
Serial Cancellations for 2008
The deadline for submitting cancellations for the 2008 subscription year is August 31, 2007. Please submit your cancellation requests on the spreadsheet available in the Shared Directory under TSAD 0708. The spreadsheet asks for a number of data elements. The more that you fill in, the faster and better the process. We need the information […]
New Database: Classical Scores Library
Classical Scores Library Collection of important classical music scores, manuscripts, and unpublished material. Provides for textual searching by various criteria. ERC: Elizabeth Davis Access: IP […]
New Database: Mass Observation Online
Mass Observation Online This resource includes essays on British social history collected between 1937 and 1972 during a project called the Mass Observation. The archives also include photographs, file reports, diaries, day surveys and links to other sites ERC: John Tofanelli Access: IP […]
New Database: Conditions and Politics in Occupied Western Europe, 1940-1945
Conditions & politics in Occupied Western Europe, 1940-1945 Selected from the PRO Class FO 371 files in the National Archives, London, Conditions and Politics in Occupied Western Europe, 1940-1945 features full-text documents received in the British Foreign Office from all European states under Nazi occupation during World War II. This unique collection includes a range […]
New Database: African American Music Reference
African American Music Reference African American Music Reference is bringing together text reference, biographies, chronologies, sheet music, images, lyrics, liner notes, and discographies which chronicle the diverse history and culture of the African American experience through music. The database is constantly expanding to include comprehensive coverage of blues, jazz, spirituals, civil rights songs, slave songs, […]