FIAF International Film Archive is now available through Proquest: Mental Measurements Yearbook is now available through Ebscohost: Philosopher’s Index is now available through FirstSearch: Social Work Abstracts is now available through Ebscohost: http://www.columbia.ed/cgi-bin/cul/resolve?AMT0865 […]
Electronic Resources Problems–Best Practices
I know we all like to feel a personal connection when we’re trying to solve a problem. However, this is a plea to everyone reporting problems to *please* send the problem report to Do not send e-mail notes to an individual. This list helps all of us handling problems. We can see if similar […]
New Database Trial: Primary Sources in Counseling and Psychology
Primary Sources in Counseling and Psychology From the publisher: Primary Sources in Counseling and Psychology is a searchable collection containing real transcripts of therapy and counseling sessions and first-person narratives illuminating the experience of mental illness and its treatment, as well as reference works to contextualize the primary material. New material is added on a […]
Collection Manager Orders
There are a number of orders that are queued in Collection Manager. We will not be able to process those until the week of July 16th. This is a technical problem with the way that order loads are handled in Voyager. At the moment, there are two active fiscal years in Voyager. The 06/07 year […]
Orders for the 07/08 Fiscal Year
On Monday, July 9th, TSAD will begin accepting orders for 07/08 materials. Please remember that each selector should limit the number of orders submitted to MAS to 50 per week. Selectors with very generous funding may submit up to 100 per week. If you are going on vacation and have orders prepared, please ask one […]
07/08 Funds
TSAD has entered the Ledger 2 funds into Voyager for fiscal year 2007/2008. In addition, credit memos have been entered to cover the encumbrances carrying forward from last year. We do not have information about the other Ledgers so we cannot enter that data. As soon as the non-Ledger 2 data is provided we will […]
Fiscal Year Close 06/07
We are deeply into the rollover of the fiscal year as this blog comes back on line. The software ran successfully and in the morning we should have reports that we can review to ensure that commitments moved the way we expected them too. By mid morning, we expect you will be able to resume […]
New Name — Buy the Way
Sorry you haven’t heard from us in a while. The TSAD Blog was hacked and we had to reinvent ourselves. The new name of the TSAD blog is BuyTheWay. More from us very soon. […]
Wire Transfers
TSAD is receiving requests to pay for materials or invoices via wire transfer. This is not feasible. For all other checks including those in foreign currencies, TSAD is able to process the check request on its own. Wire transfers must be processed through the Controller’s Office. The Controller’s Office handles these as an exception. We […]
MAS & SAS are continuing to pay invoices for electronic resources, serials & periodicals, and firm ordered material. We are not sending out orders, however, we are establishing orders for electronic materials. Please let me know if you have any questions. […]