Facets let us quickly refine our searches. Facets are drawn from the subject headings, authors’ names, language, format, library location, publication date, call number, and even date of acquisition of newer titles.
In the catalog, these elements are added by catalogers, so terminology is consistent.
There are four types of subject facets drawn from different parts of a subject heading:
Subject: general topical headings and subheadings: history, women, or social conditions
Subject (Region): geographical headings: United States, China, or New York
Subject (Era): includes dates, centuries, and also wars: 19th century, or civil war, 1861-1865
Subject (Genre): here you’ll be able to find types of works: fiction, diaries, correspondence, personal narratives, or feature films
Facets are sticky: once you have selected a facet it will remain in force until you remove it or restart your search.
Selecting more than one facet of the same type narrows your search (it looks for both terms). To expand your search by choosing either of two or more facets, select the facets you desire and then change the default “All of” to “Any of“:
And to exclude a facet from your results, change “Is” to “Is Not“.
If you know the subject terms you would like to search, you may also enter them into the search box, and select “subject” which searches all four types of subject headings.
Questions about subject searching or using facets? Please Ask a Librarian, or use the Suggestions & Feedback form under the “Help” menu in the upper right corner of CLIO.