Digitized by Vendor
Smiles, Samuel. Lives of the engineers, v. 1 Early engineers. New York : Scribner, 1905. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10753619
Vallès, Jules. Le bachelier. Paris : E. Fasquelle, 1913. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10753740
Vallès, Jules. L’insurgé. Paris : Eugène Fasquelle, 1914. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10753757
Moigno, Abbé (François Napoléon Marie). Les splendeurs de la foi, t. 2. Paris : Librairie des Mondes, 1879. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10754222.002
Brock, Alan St. H. (Alan St. Hill). Pyrotechnics. London : D. O’Connor, 1922. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10754280
New York Mercantile Union business directory. New York : French & Platt, Henshaw, 1850. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10754283
Felton, Ralph A. (Ralph Almon). A sociological study of the Syrians in Greater New York. 1912. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10799392
Danville, Gaston. Hē Psychologia tou erōtos. Athēnai : Ekdotikos oikos Ho Homēros Spuridōvnos G. Pristourē, [189-?]. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797230
Lewis, Virgil Anson. How West Virginia was made. [Charleston, W. V. : News-Mail Co., Public Printer], 1909. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797632
Kincaid, C. A. (Charles Augustus). Ishtur Phakde a gallant Englishman and other studies. Bombay : Times Press, 1917.https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797941
Weston, D. C., Mrs. Jewish antiquities, geographical, domestic, political, and religious. New York : Gen. Prot. Episc. S.S. Union and Church Book Society, 1866. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797922
Goncourt, Edmond de. La Faustin. Paris : Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1892. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10799438
Conscience, Hendrik. La guerre des paysans. Paris : Calmann Lévy, 1887.https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797636
Lyell, Charles. Lectures on geology. New York : Greeley & McElrath, 1843. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10799417
Revue du monde musulman. Les Musulmans français et la guerre. Paris : Ernest Leroux, 1915. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797945
Hostos, Eugenio María de. Moral social. Madrid : Impr. de Bailly-Bailliere é Hijos, 1906.https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797267
Butler, Nicholas Murray. Philosophy. New York : The Columbia University Press, 1911. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797264
King, John William. Pilot’s handbook for the English channel. London : [printed by William Clowes and Son], 1874.https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10799423
United States. Work Projects Administration. Questions and answers on the W.P.A. Washington, D.C. : [U.S. G.P.O., 1939]https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10799402
Random thoughts. New York City : Composite Printing Co., 1899. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10799414
Egypt Exploration Society. Report of the … ordinary general meeting, subscription list and balance sheets. 2nd annual (1883/84), 7th-9th annual (1888/89-1890-91), 16th-19th annual (1897/98-1900/01). London [etc.]
v. 2, 7-9: https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797892.001
v. 16-19: https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797892.002
Schwemer, Richard. Restauration und Revolution. Leipzig : B.G. Teubner, 1916. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797942
Church of Ireland. Short papers on the Irish Church question. London : Church Institution, [ca. 1869]. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10800123
Hook, Theodore Edward. The choice humorous works, ludicrous adventures, bons mots, puns and hoaxes of Theodore Hook. London : Chatto and Windus, 1889. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797629
Koldewey, Robert. The excavations at Babylon. London : Macmillan and Co., 1914. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797913
Jeremias, Friedrich. Tyrus bis zur Zeit Nebukadnezar’s. Leipzig : B.G. Teubner, 1891. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10797935
Preservation Photocopy TIFFs
Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton. Lord Lytton’s novels. v. 18. London ; New York : George Routledge and Sons, 1875. v. 18: https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10888660.001
Streckfuss, Adolf. De geschiedenis der wereld, aan het volk verhaald. v. 6, 9. Leiden : Van den Heuvell & Van Santen, 1866-1877.
v. 6: https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10888666.001
v. 9: https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10888666.002
New Jersey State Prison. Report of the New Jersey State Prison. 1899. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10898489.001
Jackson, Charles T. (Charles Thomas). Report on the geological and mineralogical survey of the mineral lands of the United States in the State of Michigan… [Washington : Printed for the Senate, 1849]. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10898520
Samné, Georges. La Syrie, avec 30 photographies et 6 cartes hors texte. Paris : Bossard, 1920. https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10898497
Recueil des historiens des croisades: Historiens grecs. v. 2., 5. Paris : Imprimerie royale [puis] Imprimerie impériale [puis] Imprimerie nationale, 1841-1906.
Historiens occidentaux v.5: https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10824499
Historiens grecs v.2: https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10824499.002
Customer Orders
Violet, Thomas. To the supream authority the Parliament of England. [London? : s.n., 1659] https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10887656
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Central New York. Laws and usages in all the states. Utica, N.Y. : Curtiss & Childs, [1875?] https://resolver.library.columbia.edu/clio10919545