Himalayan Times Archive (1947-1963)

A digital archive of the Himalayan Times, an English language newspaper published in Kalimpong, India is available from Heidelberger historische Bestände — Digital for the years 1949-1963. The newspaper provides historical material on social and political developments in the Eastern Himalayas after World War II. […]

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EIGHT early American Jewish newspapers, now available digitally!

I am pleased to announce that the following Early American newspapers are now available digitally through the following links.  With the exception of the American Israelite and American Hebrew and Jewish Messenger, all newspapers are freely available through the Historical Jewish Press website Columbia is very proud to have been involved, with New York University […]

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Antiquarian Purchases Enhance Rare Books, Avery Classics Collections

Columbia has supplemented holdings of rare Russian film programs of the 1920s (cataloged as [Soviet film programs from 1926-1930] in the Rare Books & Manuscripts Library). Five additional programs were added, bringing total holdings to twenty. Below are programs for Kto ty takoi?[Who Are You?] (1927, directed by Iurii Zheliabuzhskii, 1888-1955), and for the Russian […]

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Arabic Collections Online (ACO)

Arabic Collections Online (ACO) is a collaborative project by libraries at Columbia, NYU, Cornell and American University in Beirut to digitize and make freely available Arabic books online. The project now includes over 400 books on Arabic language, literature and Islamic history and culture. The goal is to digitize ca. 15,000 titles from partnering libraries, […]

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5th South Asia Cooperative Collection Development Workshop

Columbia University participated in the 5th annual Cooperative Collection Development Workshop for South Asian Resources on October 17th, 2014, in Madison Wisconsin. Overview of previous workshops: At the 1st Cooperative Collection Development Workshop in 2010, 20 participants focused on monographic subject profiles for materials received from the Library of Congress Delhi office. 52 profile categories […]

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Two Business/Economics Databases from CMIE, Mumbai

Columbia University Libraries now has access to two online databases from Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. The two new electronic resources are Prowess and CapEx. Prowess includes data on the financial performance of more than 27,000 companies, including those traded on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange, as well as many unlisted […]

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Six Archives Unbound Digital Collections

Columbia University Libraries has purchased six new Archives Unbound digital collections of primary sources: Afghanistan and the U.S., 1945-1963: Records of the U.S. State Department Central Classified Files (9,674 images from the U.S. National Archives) Afghanistan’s history, internal political development, foreign relations, and very existence as an independent state have largely been determined by its […]

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