Staff Activities & Achievements

Rick Block, Head of Special Collections and Metadata Cataloging Services, recently won a teaching award for adjunct faculty at CW Post, where he teaches courses on cataloging at LIU’s Palmer School of Library Science.

Charlene Chou, Chinese Cataloger, C. V. Starr East Asian Library, gave a talk on “Next Generation Catalogs” at Central University of Nationalities in Beijing on June 7, and had a lot of discussion with their librarians and faculty about the various issues of libraries and information technology. On June 8, she had a Q&A session with the Head of the Serials Cataloging Department in the National Library of China to answer questions concerning serials cataloging policy and rules.

Kathleen Dreyer, Business Electronic Services, Instruction & Reference Librarian, attended the third Collaborative Virtual Reference (VR) Symposium in Denver.

Pamela Graham, Latin American & Iberian Studies Librarian, presented her paper at the LASA conference, Looking for Votes in all the Right Places: the politics of Latin American emigration, presented at the 27th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, 9-5-07.

Kate Harcourt, Melanie Wacker and Iris Wolley recently published Automated Access Level Cataloging for Internet Resources at Columbia University Libraries in vol. 51, no. 3, July 2007 in Library Resources and Technical Services.

Ken Harlin, Head of Access at Starr East Asian Library, received the 2007 Spike Telesca Award, which is given to the person best representing the purpose of the Broadway Show (Softball) League, which is to provide enjoyment and recreation for people working in the Theatre.

Lauran Hartley, in her new position as Tibetan Studies Librarian for the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, undertook her first acquisition trip to Tibetan publishing centers in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) with funding from CUL and the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. The trip was useful in forging relations with official and private publishers, as well as leading libraries and archives, in addition to acquiring nearly five hundred Tibetan and Chinese language materials for the Collection.

Terry Kirchner, Director of Access Services, recently published Applying Organizational Theory to the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Department in vol. 17, no. 4, 2007 of the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve.

Kirchner, along with Jennifer Rutner, Program Coordinator for Marketing and Assessment, served as panelists during the Special Libaries Association New York Chapter’s Career Day on September 10th. Kirchner talked about his experiences working in the information profession, while Rutner discussed how best to present yourself in an interview situation.

Ellyssa Kroski, Reference Librarian in Butler Library, was recently made adjunct faculty at LIU’s Palmer School of Library Science where she teaches Web 2.0. She just had an essay in the August issue of Choice called “The Social Tools of Web 2.0,” and has a book due out later this year, Web 2.0 for Librarians and Information Professionals, to be published by Neal-Shuman. Kroski will be speaking at the upcoming Internet Librarian 2007 conference on “Improving Web Site Access: Card Sorting A?ÄìZ”, in Monterey, CA, in October.

Hee-sook Shin, Korean Studies Librarian, presented a paper entitled Free Web Resources for Korean Studies: Humanities at the the Fifth Biennial Conference of the Korean Studies Association of Australasia in Perth, Australia held on July 12-13, 2007; her presentation paper was published in the proceedings of the conference.

She also made a bibliographic trip to Korea, from July 16 to 28, and visited not only our exchange institutions, but four museums which may donate materials. She also met and discussed issues and concerns with our vendors.

Jane Winland, Director, Social Sciences Libraries, has been re-elected for a second term on the Nylink Council. Nylink, founded in 1973, is a nonprofit membership organization of all types of libraries and cultural heritage organizations throughout New York State and surrounding areas. Nylink facilitates collaboration and cooperation among its members, and supports access to high-quality, cost-effective resources that enable member institutions to enhance the services they provide to their constituents.

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