CCLIP Meeting December 5th

This is just a note to remind everyone that there is a Council of Columbia Library and Information Professionals meeting this Friday, December 5, from 9-11:00.  the meeting will be held in the Kellogg Room, located on the 15th floor of the SIPA Building.

The agenda for this Friday’s Meeting:

As always: 9-9:30, mingle and enjoy the treats.  Wake up with some coffee or tea!

Welcome and CCLIP updates
Winner of the CCLIP Logo Contest
Some ideas moving forward

Jim Neal
Updates on the CUL budget

Rebecca Kennison, Director of Center for Digital Research and Scholarship
Rebecca will talk about the role and mission of CDRS and how it articulates with CUL and the University.

Candidates Run for CCLIP Office!

We hope to see you there!

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