The following is a list of recent acquisitions of interest to CUL librarians, information professionals, and staff. All of the titles below are shelved in Butler stacks, unless otherwise noted.Archives power: memory, accountability, and social justice / Randall C. Jimerson. CD971 .J56 2009 The case for books: past, present, and future / Robert Darnton. Z116.A2 D37 2009 Copyright and cultural institutions: guidelines for digitization for U.S. libraries, archives, and museums / Peter B. Hirtle, Emily Hudson, & Andrew T. Kenyon. KF2996 .H57 2009g Educating scholars: doctoral education in the humanities / Ronald G. Ehrenberg. AZ183.U5 E35 2010 The world and Wikipedia: how we are editing reality / Andrew Dalby. ZA4482 .D35 2009g ___ Send suggestions for purchase to: Alex Thurman