Digitized Newspaper: Herut

The Jewish Historical Press has just posted a new newspaper to their freely available website of full-text newspapers: "Herut", the daily newspaper of the main opposition party during the first years of the State of Israel. The newspaper was published in Tel-Aviv between 1948 and 1965. The JPRESS website now offers the issues between 1949 […]

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Hebrew mss @ CUL: The (Raphael Jesurun de) Spinoza autograph

The advantage to working in a collection such as Columbia's, with its very deep and diverse resources, is that new and interesting materials pop up almost daily.  A couple of months ago, I received a phone call that someone wanted to come and look at our Spinoza autograph.  Columbia is home to the Oko-Gebhardt Spinoza […]

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Lecture: “Defining a Field: Jewish Books in the Age of Print”

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY BOOK HISTORY COLLOQUIUM: SPRING 2012 All programs are in Room 523, Butler Library, on the Columbia campus.  Start time is 6:00 PM. For more information about the Book History Colloquium, please contact Karla Nielsen (kn2300@columbia.edu) April 19, 2012 Emile Schrijver (University of Amsterdam) "Defining a Field: Jewish Books in the Age of Print" […]

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Important upgrades: RAMBI and Bar Ilan Responsa

Ladies and Gentlemen, drumroll please – we have fantastic news about updates from two of the most important resources in Jewish Studies: 1) RAMBI, the Index to Articles in Jewish Studies, profiled here, sent the below email yesterday: "Subject searching in RAMBI, The Index to Articles in Jewish Studies, is being changed so that searching […]

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A Fine Romance: Jewish Songwriters, American Songs, 1910 – 1965

Long Island University is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition “A Fine Romance.  Jewish Songwriters, American Songs, 1910 – 1965 on Thursday, March 8 from 5:30p – 8:00p in the Hutchins Gallery of the B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library on the LIU/Post campus.  This traveling exhibit is further enriched with a display of original movie […]

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Hebrew mss @ CUL: The Whole Megillah

In honor of the upcoming holiday of Purim (March 8), here is a Megilat Esther from Columbia's Smith Collection.  Professor David Eugene Smith, a professor at Columbia's Teacher's College from 1901-1926, was a scholar in the History of Mathematics who went around the world collecting manuscripts and rare books related to his topic.  He spent […]

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More Yiddish…Haynt digitized and online

I wrote last year about the incredible resource that is the Historical Jewish Press.  In a further effort to make Jewish newspapers available freely online, the HJP has now digitized its first Yiddish paper,Haynt.  Haynt was a seminal Jewish newspaper in Eastern Europe from 1908-1939, and is a critical resource for day to day news […]

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Hebrew mss @ CUL: Unpublished Plays from the Yiddish Theatre

Columbia’s Yiddish Studies Program is the oldest in the country, beginning in 1952 under the direction of renowned Yiddish scholar Uriel Weinreich.  Weinreich’s student, Marvin Herzog was one of the major figures in the creation of the Language and Culture Atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry (LCAAJ), whose archives are held at Columbia. In terms of historic […]

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Lecture @ CUL: J.P. Morgan, German-Jewish Bankers, and the Crisis of the First World War

All sessions take place in 523 Butler Library, 6:30– 8:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.   February 28, 2012 (Tuesday) Susie J. Pak Assistant Professor of History St. John’s University J.P. Morgan, German-Jewish Bankers, and the Crisis of the First World War Pak will present a history of how the First World War created a crisis […]

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