Head Archivist Kevin Schlottmann shares collections newly opened or updated by RBML archivists.
Now available
Al Jaffee Papers
Al Jaffee (born March 13, 1921) is a comic artist best known for
creating MAD magazine’s iconic Fold-In feature. The collection
contains extensive original artwork, including sketches, tracings, and
proofs documenting Jaffee’s creative process. Publishing and
commission contracts, correspondence, clippings, and a small amount of
programs and ephemera from fan conventions and other public
appearances are also included.
Columbia College Records
This collection is composed of the general files of Columbia
College’s Dean’s Office and the correspondence of Columbia College
administrative officers during the years 1892 through 2019. A review
of this collection allows researchers to gain insights into the
interaction of Columbia College faculty and administrators with
students, fellow faculty members, parents of students, and
administrators of other colleges.
Boris Rabbot Papers
The Boris Rabbot Papers consist of the writings, lectures, notes,
correspondence, personal documents, post-doctoral dissertation,
photographs, research and reference materials related to the
professional activities of Boris Rabbot—one of the first Soviet
sociologists employed at the pioneering Institute for Concrete Social
Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (IKSI) and a party
functionary who advanced the interests of the liberal wing in General
Secretary Leonid Brezhnev’s entourage from the mid-1960s to the early
1970s. The collection reflects Rabbot’s professional life both in the
USSR and USA. The collection gives an unprecedented insider’s view
into the workings of the Politburo and also traces the early
development of a previously banned social science discipline,
sociology, in the Soviet Union.
If you have been noticing more oral history records in CLIO, you are
right: as part of the time-based media project, oral history is
publishing hundreds of new minimal records each month
The HR Knickerbocker papers now have an EAD finding aid
Georges Borchardt Agency restrictions lifted
One of the ten-year restriction periods expired! Restrictions were
lifted from all records dated 1971 to 1980, opening over 2000 folders
of material.
Materialien: Gesetze, Verordnungen usw. zum Reich der Beschlagnahme
des Privateigentum
We identified rich legacy description and added it to this record.
This folder contains mainly Abschriften (copies) of administrative
laws and military regulations utilized by the Oberbefehlshaber der
gesamten Deutschen Streitkräfte im Osten (Ober Ost) [trans. Supreme
Commander of All German Forces in the East] to control the Eastern
front during the First World War.
Typographic Library Records
With a student’s help, we created a rudimentary EAD derived from a legacy PDF.
Randolph Bourne Papers: “Correspondence and manuscripts of the radical essayist Randolph
Bourne (1886-1918).”
Blog post forthcoming for this fascinating figure, whose papers received a much-needed update.
From our colleagues in the University Archives
Gabriel Cooney Photograph Collection, 1991-1999
RBML Office Files, 1917-2016
RBML Publications, 1928-2016
Columbia University Libraries Records, Series II: Office Files
Academic Appointment records, 1890s-1990
Graduate School of Business Photographs
Urban Center records
Department of Economics records