OHAC Event | Moving from Collecting to Interpreting and Analyzing Covid-19 Oral Histories

The Columbia University student COVID-19 oral history collection has been processed and now we await its appearance in the oral history section of the Digital Library Collection. [Update 04/28/21: interviews are now available in the DLC!]

Until they’re ready for use, the Oral History Archives at Columbia continues to sponsor the The Journal of the Plague Year: A Covid-19 Archive (JOTPY) workshop series. OHAC is co-sponsoring the workshops along with several global heritage institutions, universities and K-12 educators.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 3pm EST via Zoom 

masked woman wearing bandana in hair and surgical mask with tattoo that says nurse

For this workshop, “Moving from Collecting to Interpreting and Analyzing Covid-19 Oral Histories,” academics and oral historians Kathy Nasstrom, Jason M. Kelly, and Doug Boyd will discuss the process of interpreting and analyzing Covid-19 Oral Histories after collection.

The workshop builds off the Oral History Association 2020 panel “Telling COVID’s Stories: Implications for the Field” and Jason M. Kelly’s September 2020 article in the Oral History Review titled “The COVID-19 Oral History Project: Some Preliminary Notes from the Field” where he discusses the challenges of the Covid-19 Oral History Project launched at Indiana University in April 2020. The Covid-19 Oral History Project has partnered with JOTPY to make Covid-19 oral histories available to the public.

Register via Eventbrite.