Insider cheers!
Technical Services Archivist Patrick Lawler described and made accessible for the first time, according to Head Archivist Kevin Schlottman, “a truly massive set of 19th-century newspapers” from the Seymour B. Durst Collection of Historical Manuscripts, Documents & Newspapers, 1764-1990.
Here’s further news of newly processed collections:
Beatrice Saunders correspondence with Gordon Hamilton
Correspondence of Beatrice Saunders with Gordon Hamilton with related biographical materials on Professor Hamilton (CUSSW) and two photographs of Hamilton.
Peter Gay papers, 1954-2003, bulk 1954-1969
Peter Gay was Professor of History at Columbia University (1962-1968).
Castelli-Tannenbaum Collection
The collection contains both original documents as well as Duccio Castelli’s translations into English and his account of how he wrote to Italo Calvino and received advice from the renowned writer.
As well as small additions to the Dawn Powell Papers, the Romanian Political Parties Collection, the Rochelle Owens Papers, the Abraham Lincoln Collection, and the George Economou Papers.
Newly Digitized and Linked Materials
We have digitized audio-visual material published to the Digital Library Collection (DLC) and linked to the finding aids for the Albert Goldman papers and the Language and Culture Archive of Ashkenazic Jewry (LCAAJ).
On the oral history front, an additional 679 CLIO records for individual interviews have links to digitized content added. Thousands of CLIO records now have direct links to digitized content in the DLC, including a very large interview with former Columbia President Michael Sovern.
Approximately half of the Student Movements of the 1960s oral history collection is now fully accessible remotely without a Columbia login. This collection of 78 interviews documenting campus activism across the United States during the 1960s includes audio and a number of transcripts.
And in a significant first, the Columbia University student COVID-19 oral history collection, a born-digital oral history collection, was published to the DLC.
Updated Finding Aids
Annette Riley Fry Collection on Letchworth Village, 1907-1976
A small group of materials documenting the history of Letchworth Village, an institutional care facility for children and adults with intellectual disabilities and neurodevelopmental conditions which operated in Thiells, New York from 1911 until 1996. The materials were collected by the writer Annette Riley Fry in the 1970s, while conducting research for a possible article on Letchworth Village.
Theodore Marriner papers, 1918-1937
Correspondence, diaries, and speeches of Marriner. The correspondence contains letters from Charles Francis Adams, Brendan Bracken, Charles G. Dawes, Walter E. Edge, James A. Farley, Myron T. Herrick, Frank B. Kellogg, Dwight W. Morrow, Henry L. Stimson, Jesse Isidor Straus, and various members of the Roosevelt family. Marriner’s diaries, covering the years 1918-1936, in twenty volumes, cover the periods he spent in Stockholm, Bucharest, Budapest, Washington, London, Paris, and Beirut.
Edgar Willis Turlington papers on the Mexican national debt, 1910-1930
Correspondence, notes, drafts, reports, translations of documents, clippings, periodicals, and books used by Turlington in writing his book MEXICO AND HER FOREIGN CREDITORS (Columbia University Press, 1930). This work was issued by the Council for Research in the Social Sciences of Columbia University as volume one of its MEXICO IN INTERNATIONAL FINANCE AND DIPLOMACY. His collaborators included Georgia L. Baxter, Frederick Sherwood Dunn, Parker Thomas Moon, and G. Butler Sherwell.
Vserossiiskii Zemskii Soiuz Records, 1916-1945
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, subject files, drawings and printed material of the Vserossiiskii zemskii soiuz (All Russian Zemstvo Union).
Boris Nikandrovich Beliaev Memoirs, 1915-1955
Boris Nikandrovich Beliaev (literary pseudonym B. N. Shcherbinskii), doctor of medicine, specialist in internal medicine, writer.
Joaquin Enrique Zanetti papers, 1917-1952
Three scrapbooks of correspondence, documents, and clippings of Zanetti. Scrapbook, 1929-1941, containing clippings about ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND by Lewis Carroll and the Lewis Carroll centenary in 1932; and other unrelated clippings. Scrapbook, 1940-1952, containing correspondence, documents, and memorabilia dealing with Zanetti’s World War II Army service with the Chemical Warfare Service in London.
William R. Shepherd Papers, 1867-1936
Papers of Shepherd, including correspondence with professional colleagues at home and abroad, U.S. government officials, and Latin American government officials dealing with his own publications, his trip to Austria in 1932, and his interest in Latin American affairs, the Institute of Latin American Affairs, the INTER-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SERIES, Latin American area studies, oriental area studies, and the NEW ORIENT SOCIETY.
Correspondence and works of Andre Racz, including one letter from Gabriela Mistral, 1952, a portrait of her (etching-aquatint), Ricz’s etching (metal plate) for Mistral’s POEMAS DE LAS MADRES (Santiago, Chile, 1950), a Christmas card, 1970, illustrated and signed by Racz, and a holograph of Thomas Merton’s poem AUBADE–HARLEM, Racz’s facsimile of this poem etched on a zinc plate, and his artist’s proof pulled from the plate.
Goliard Press records, 1961-1970
“Correspondence and production files of The Goliard Press, relating to the publication of contemporary English and American poetry.”
Chrystie Family papers, 1789-1946
Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, memorabilia, and printed materials. The Chrystie Family has long been closely associated with Columbia University.